Mar 10, 2016

Ideal Growing Conditions for Mango ( Mangifera Indica )

Mango (Mangifera indica) is the leading fruit crop of India and considered to be the king of fruits. The tree is hardy in nature and known for its delicious taste and fragrance.
Grown under both tropical and sub-tropical climate
Grows in wide range of soil from alluvial to laterite
Land preparation
Deep ploughing followed by harrowing and leveling with a gentle slope for good drainage
pH range
5.5 – 7.5
Popular Varieties
Alphonso, Bangalora, Banganpalli, Bombay Green, Fazil, Himsaga, Kesar, Kishen, Mulgoa, Chausa, Suvarnarekha, Vanaraj and Zardalu
Young plants are watered frequently. For Grown trees, irrigation at 10-15 days interval from fruit set to maturity
10 x 10 m, 12 x 12 m, differs based on varieties
Papaya, Vegetables, Legumes etc.,
Common pests
Mango hopper, Mealy bud, Anthracnose, Powdery mildew
Harvesting and Yield
Graft plants start bearing at the age of 3-4 years and gives optimum result from 10-15th year
Rich in Vitamins
A and C
Training and pruning
One meter from the base of main trunk should be kept free from branches and main stem is allowed thereafter spaced at 20-25 cm apart
Mulching and its Advantages

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Ideal Growing Conditions for Mango ( Mangifera Indica )
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