Jan 4, 2016

Nitrogen Loss from Recent Rains

A wet fall in general , and recent rains in particular have people thinking about nitrogen loss where it was fall applied. Fall applied nitrogen that was applied late, will experience less loss than early applied nitrogen especially when soil temperature are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit since it has been applied.  There is not much that can be done at this point whether you have nitrogen loss or not.  The best time to look at it is shortly before or after planting.  A soil test is the best way to find out what is going on with your nitrogen.  Another alternative is to take advantage of chlorophyll sensor technology at sidedress time.  The sensors will help to deal with the fact that losses are expected to be higher on low areas.  No-Till Farmer has written about 5 factors that affect nitrogen loss.

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Nitrogen Loss from Recent Rains
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