Jan 2, 2016

2015 in Review

I usually do a Year in Review between Christmas and the New Year.  This year flooding was underway, so I filled the space dealing with the flood.

Looking back on blogs in 2015, One of the popular ones was written early in the year in response to tight budgets.  It still applies now.  Saving Trips across the Field

My on-line friend and fellow blogger Ed Winkle passed away and I wrote about him In Memory of Ed Winkle. 

Eduardo Paim continues to send reports from Brazil.  Like my reports his focus on his home area, Mato Grosso.  Eduardo's reports such as this one on Corn Harvest in Brazil continue to be popular.

Cover Crops continue to be a hot topic and I wrote several entries.  This one asking if you are On the Fence about Cover Crops was the most read.  

I look forward to continuing my attempt to offer advice and opinions on agriculture in 2016.

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2015 in Review
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