Climate | Grows well in warm and humid Climate |
Soil | Red lateritic loam Soil |
Rainfall | over 100 cm per / annum |
pH range | 5.5 – 7.0 |
Spacing | 60 x 60 / 75 x 75 / 90 x 90 cm |
Irrigation | First irrigation at the time of planting and thereafter in 7-10 days interval up to 8 months. Drip irrigation recommended. |
Fertigation Requirement | 90:90:240 NPK / ha, apply once in 3 days throughout cropping period |
Common Varieties | Co1, Co2, Co3, Co(TP)4, Sree Vishakam(H.1687),Sree Sahaya(H.2304),Sree Vijaya,Sree Jaya,SreePekha,MVD1,Co(TP)5 |
Common pests and disease | Cassava mosaic, Cassava bacterial blight, Anthrac nose, Bud necrosis, Mites, White Flies |
Harvesting time | 9 – 12 months after harvesting |
See also :
Ideal Growing Conditions for Cassava ( Manihot esculenta )