Mar 13, 2015

Organic Farming

What is Organic Farming?

It’s a technique which involves the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in a natural way. To maintain soil fertility and ecological balance biological materials are used instead of synthetic substances.  Organic Farming avoids the use of various petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides. The main feature of Organic farming is rearing of livestock, nutrition health, rearing and breeding.

Water Pollution
Ground water mixing with synthetic fertilizers and chemical causes a major problem. Since the use of synthetic material is replaced by organic agriculture the risk of groundwater pollution is reduced.

High Revenue
Organic foods are normally priced 30% more than conventional food. This is good for farmers who does organic farming and do marketingThousands of corporations are targeting consumers worldwide by organic foods to their product line.

Environment Friendly
Since no toxins and chemical fertilizers are used Organic Farming provides friendly ecosystem.  Lack of pesticide use attracts new species to the organic area including wild flora and fauna.

Soil building practices such as crop rotations, inter-cropping, organic fertilizers and minimum tillage are central to organic practices. Organic farms are heaven to wild life so our ecosystems are improved.

Good Health
Eating Organic Foods help to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer for individuals who abstain from consuming food products from conventional method.

Nutritious Food
Nutritional value of food items are determined by its mineral and vitamin content. Organic Farming provides sufficient nutrients to soil which is passed on to the plants and animals. Also, Organic grown fruits and vegetables tastes better than other food and can be stored for a longer period.

see also problems in Indian Agriculture

Combat Climate changes
It takes considerable amounts of fossil fuel to create the synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used in conventional farming.  Most importantly organic farming improves the amount of carbon returned to the soil, which in turn reduces the green house effect and global warming.

Note: Start a mini farm on a quarter acre or less, provide 85 percent of the food for a family of four and earn an income.

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Organic Farming
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