Feb 26, 2015

Fuel Problems in Brazil

By Eduardo Paim
Here in Mato Grosso to Conlheita is 35% on average between cities, we can say that the production could be better, at this time we talk about 51 production average of bags in the state, we were expecting average 56 bags per hectare. In the north of Mato Grosso was no hope of a better production when to harvest soybeans that was planted last, because these plants did not have problems of lack of rain in the phases of grain filling and flowering, but production is very low, contrary producers who do not understand what happened.

The strike of the trucks is causing disorders as already missing gasoline and Diesel in some cities in Mato Grosso, mainly in the north where we first began downtime. Here in Rondonopolis is already starting to run out fuel. Even with all the disorder that is causing most Brazilians supports this move because the country is entering a hole of corruption that has ever been seen in this country. Day 15/03 there will be a national strike to be the impeachment of chairs. Nor is there buying soy because exporting companies do not know when will transport soybeans are purchased.

I made a small stock of Dieesel, gas and petrol in my house.

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Fuel Problems in Brazil
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