"I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion." -Henry David Thoreau
Halloween Party Centerpiece |
Orange lilies are hot for Halloween. Last weekend, I attended three Halloween themed parties. Two for my kids and one for grown-ups. I was surprised to find a common theme at all three of these parties; orange lilies. Then I started noticing them more; grocery stores, florists' windows, arrangements in restaurants. They seem to be everywhere. Maybe I have pumpkin fever, but this is a trend.
Halloween has become a big floral holiday, as flower lovers dress up their homes, as well as, their kids. Here at
Sun Valley we have been seeing an increase in demand for Halloween themed bouquets for the last several years. This year, and likely continuing forward; the big splashy color of lilies is out shining other consumer bunches for the holiday.
It makes sense, lilies have a stunning physical presence and Halloween is all about the visual. Our Love Lily brand of Asiatics, are looking great right now.
Bariton is the variety we are harvesting for Halloween orders and we will have plenty as we push into November.
Perfect Halloween Lily |
Fall is a wondeful time for lilies, and we have your fall color palette all taken care of with oranges, yellows and reds.
We turn back our clocks this weekend, so it will be Thanksgiving before you know it!
Orange Lilies for Halloween