Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Dec 14, 2015

Dear Mother Nature, I would like some winter

Dear Mother Nature, I would like some winter

Geranium foliage, late fall

Dear Mother Nature,

I would like some winter, please and thank you.  I love my winter. I don't want my winter to be like fall or spring.

Winter gives me the freedom to leave the garden for a bit and turn my attention to other activities like reading about gardening, napping and dreaming about gardening, and  convincing myself it is too cold to be out in the

Dec 2, 2015

Bending down and peering

Bending down and peering

Thus begins the season of bending over and peering down at the ground looking for signs of life, for flowers in the snow, for little signs of hope.

In the back garden, I bend over with abandon, confident that no one can see over the fence to see my broadside sticking up in the air while I'm looking down at a little snowdrop which came up and flowered unexpectedly last week.

"Pretty little

Mar 2, 2015

March 1st - Spring Flowers and Dr. Hortfreud

March 1st - Spring Flowers and Dr. Hortfreud

Ah yes, the blooms of early spring. It's time for them to appear, now that it's March 1st.

In this first picture, the snowdrops are making their appearance, but it is under the cover of snow.

They are like little nodding bells, ringing in the spring, though currently, with the March 1st snowfall, their nodding bells have been nearly silenced, perhaps even crushed.

Only the most well-trained

Feb 28, 2015

Garden fairies discuss the end of winter

Garden fairies discuss the end of winter

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have decided to post on this blog to talk about the weather and in particular the end of winter.

Is winter ever going to end?  We ask ourselves this over and over. Just a few weeks ago it seemed like the question was if winter was ever going to get started because it really wasn't all that bad and it hadn't snowed that much.

Then all of a

Feb 7, 2015

The little (okay, big) gardener inside of me

The little (okay, big) gardener inside of me

Snowdrop in the snow, as it should be.

Are you ready?

I looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow, a Saturday, and noted the high temperature will be 50F and there is no chance of rain.

The little (okay, big) gardener inside of me, who is always thinking about plants, and soil, and flowers, and gardens, and gardening books, etc. would like to go out and play in the garden.

And by "play",

Feb 2, 2015

Five things your garden wants you to do this winter

Five things your garden wants you to do this winter

Hyacinths are blooming in the sun room.

Winter-time and what's a gardener to do?

Well, there's a lot a gardener can do, as it turns out.

Here are five things your garden wants you to do this winter.

Visit it.  Yes, go out into the garden, even if it is under snow, and see what's going on.  Take some paper and a pencil with you and make some notes. What needs to be cut back? Where are the

Jan 30, 2015

Garden fairies provide an update on winter

Garden fairies provide an update on winter

First Snowdrop, January 24, 2015

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have been watching this blog wondering if anyone was going to post anything and we didn't see anyone posting anything, so we decided, once again, to take matters into our own hands and post something.

We have decided to provide an official winter update on the goings on around here.

One of the goings on