Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Jan 17, 2015

Dearest Summer...

Dearest Summer...

One of Summer's delightful flowers.

Dearest Summer,

I feel compelled to write to you after your absence these last several months, to tell you how much I miss you and how I long for your return.

I miss your music - the hum of the bees as they flew from flower to flower and the songs of the birds each morning, coaxing the sun to rise once again from the horizon.  I so enjoyed, too, the sound

Jan 6, 2015

The Doris Day Approach to Gardening

The Doris Day Approach to Gardening

Lily of the Valley showing their buds!

There are times when, for our own well-being and peace of mind, we should adopt the Doris Day Approach to Gardening.

"Que sera, sera.  Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see."

This Doris Day approach doesn't mean we should do nothing in the garden and let it return to the wild.  

It means we should work happily in our gardens, doing

Dec 20, 2014

Forcing Blooms in Winter

Forcing Blooms in Winter

Forcing blooms in winter.

I think each year I won't bother with amaryllis and other flowers forced into winter bloom.  After all, I've grown them in the past, I know what they look like, so why grow them again?

Why grow them again?  If you think that's an actual question, then you aren't an actual gardener and you can just mosey right along now to some other website about "plastic flowers are

Mar 5, 2014

Winter shapes a garden like no other season

Winter shapes a garden like no other season

A few weeks ago
Winter shapes a garden like no other season.

Winter is why I don't grow camellias, and why I grow lilacs.

Winter is why I plant tulips and daffodils, hyacinths and snowdrops.

I don't think about whether or not a plant will live through spring, summer, or fall in my garden.

I wonder if it will survive through winter.

Winter shapes a garden like no other season.

Feb 13, 2014

A Play called Winter

A Play called Winter

Listen in as the director, assistant director and producer of a play called Winter discuss recent reviews and changes to the show.

Producer:  Have you seen the most recent reviews of Winter?  People hate it right now.

Director:  Hate it? People just don't understand Winter.  I really don't care what they think. 

Producer:  They say it is too cold and there is too much snow.

Director:  But

Feb 3, 2014

It's February - take heart

It's February - take heart

Crocuses from a previous spring

Oh, those weather forecasters.  They've already told us that February here in Indianapolis is going to be a lot like January was. Cold, snow, snow, cold.

If one isn't careful, one could get lured into a false sense of doom ~ winter is going to go on foreverrrrrrrr.

Take heart.  Buck up, buttercup.

Winter is not going on forever.  It's going to go on for a few

Jan 13, 2014

How to turn winter into your favorite gardening season

How to turn winter into your favorite gardening season

Yesterday was a lovely day. Bright, sunny, and the temperatures were well above freezing, so most of the snow melted.

Inside, the Lily of the Valley are at their peak and seem to taunt the Winter outside. "You can't touch us, you can't frost us."

There are microgreens sprouting in the sunroom and a basket full of seed catalogs sitting beside my favorite chair, from where I can look out