Showing posts with label wildflower wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildflower wednesday. Show all posts

Jun 23, 2016

The creatures make the garden

The creatures make the garden

Bee on swamp milkweed

If all the birds and the bees and the spiders and the insects and the chipmunks and the squirrels and all the other creatures disappeared from your garden, what would be left?

It's a trick question.

Nothing would be left.

For soon without the birds and the bees and the spiders and the insects and the chipmunks and the squirrels and all the other creatures, the garden

Apr 28, 2016

Wildflower Wednesday - Trilliums

Wildflower Wednesday - Trilliums

This is the time of year when I go out in the evenings and wander around the garden, looking for new blooms.

I'm rarely disappointed in my search for new blooms. As spring accelerates its arrival, I literally find new blooms every day. The other day, I found the blooms of Great White Trillim, Trillium grandiflorum.

These are native wildflowers, though I've never seen one in the woods. To

Jul 22, 2015

Wildflower Wednesday: May I express my gratitude?

Wildflower Wednesday: May I express my gratitude?

Bee on Cup Plant flower

Dear Gail,

I'm writing today to express my thanks to you for coming up with this wonderful meme called Wildflower Wednesday.  Through your garden, which we've all come to enjoy through your blog posts on Clay and Limestone, we've learned so much about the importance of planting wildflowers to attract pollinators.

I thought of you when my garden designer sat down with

May 28, 2015

Garden fairies take over for Wildflower Wednesday

Garden fairies take over for Wildflower Wednesday

Nemophila maculata

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we are once again called upon to take over this blog and provide some useful information for the fine readers who come here looking for useful information only to find some of that stuff Carol will sometimes write that we don't think is useful at all.

Plus, if we don't post for Wildflower Wednesday to show what we did in the

Apr 23, 2015

Wildflower Wednesday: Carolina Silverbell

Wildflower Wednesday: Carolina Silverbell

Carolina Silverbell Blooms

I'm not sure if the Carolina Silverbell tree in my garden is a testament to my laziness or to my stubbornness.

Probably a little of both.

It's a pretty little tree, or could be under the right growing conditions.  It has a unique bloom which looks like a little pink bell.  In the top picture, the bells are just beginning to open.

In the fall, each bell shaped

Oct 23, 2014

Wildflower Wednesday - Flowers in the Lawn

Wildflower Wednesday - Flowers in the Lawn

Pretty little mystery flower in the lawn

I've spent time the last three evenings on my hands and knees and sometimes on my butt planting bulbs for Glory of the Snow,  Chionodoxa gigantia (also known as Chionodoxa lucillia), in my back lawn.

I bought 1,000 bulbs of Glory of the Snow, which doesn't take as long as you might think to plant. I timed my first 300 bulbs.  40 minutes.  Not bad.  

Aug 28, 2014

The Theory of Seasonal Wildflowers

The Theory of Seasonal Wildflowers

Dear Gail,

Thank you for providing us with Wildflower Wednesday on the fourth Wednesday of the month, reminding us to think about wildflowers for our gardens.

While I was out mowing today, I thought about wildflowers and what I might post about them.  I mowed past some Black-eye Susans (Rudbeckia sp.) and considering posting about them.

Black-eyed Susans

Then I saw the big Joe Pye Weed (