Showing posts with label wildflower wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildflower wednesday. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2014

Class is now in session for Wildflower Wednesday - Wild Petunia

Class is now in session for Wildflower Wednesday - Wild Petunia

Wild Petunia, Ruellia humilis

"Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Miss Horters."

"Now class, I hope you all remembered that today we are having a very special Show & Tell for Wildflower Wednesday, which is always on the 4th Wednesday of the month".

"Yes, Miss Horters, we remembered," said the class in unison.

"Miss Horters?"

"Yes, Judy?" 

"Miss Horters, Carol brought in a garden fairy

Jun 26, 2014

Wordless Wildflower Wednesday, with garden fairies

Wordless Wildflower Wednesday, with garden fairies

Heliposis helianthoides 'Helhan', trade name Loraine Sunshine

Garden fairies here.  We are garden fairies and we do not care that Carol made this a combined "wordless" and "wildflower" post just because Wildflower Wednesday occurs on the same day of the week as Wordless Wednesday.

We've got something to say about Loraine Sunshine. Yes, we do.  See all those green leaves behind Loraine's

May 30, 2014

Wildflower Wednesday Interloper

Wildflower Wednesday Interloper

Columbine Meadow-rue with Columbine

On the right in this picture, does everyone recognize the red and yellow flowers of Aquilegia canadensis, a native columbine?

On the left in this picture, does everyone recognize the purple flowers of the Wildflower Wednesday interloper, Thalictrum aquilegifolium, a non-native flower known as Columbine Meadow-Rue?   It's from Eastern Europe/Asia.


Oct 23, 2013

Nature's Garden

Nature's Garden

"Do the wildflowers speak to you--do they know you as a friend, or pass you by as an alien? Do you know their names--their language--their secrets?"

I know the wildflowers know my friend Gail of Clay and Limestone as a friend. She's our hostess for Wildflower Wednesday on the fourth Wednesday off the month, and that's today.

"Every lover of the beauties of Nature, every one who thrills to the

Jul 24, 2013

Wildflower Wednesday: Overheard in the Garden

Wildflower Wednesday: Overheard in the Garden

On the fourth Wednesday of the month, we are all invited by Gail of Clay and Limestone to post about wildflowers for Wildflower Wednesday. Gail  organized this garden bloggers' meme to help promote planting wildflowers in our gardens and avoiding the use of pesticides so that pollinators and other insects can enjoy the flowers without harmful chemicals.

For this month's Wildflower Wednesday post

May 23, 2013

Wildflower Wednesday: Where's the Baptisia?

Wildflower Wednesday: Where's the Baptisia?

Let's play a new gardening game called "Where's the Baptisia".

Baptisia australis, which has the common name of Blue False Indigo, is a native flower in the eastern United States.  Well-planted in the garden, it can provide a stunning display of purple blooms in mid to late spring.

Here in my garden, Baptisia is not well planted.

Can you find it in the picture above?

Let's go in a little

Apr 23, 2013

Wildflower Wednesday:  Invasive Plants

Wildflower Wednesday: Invasive Plants

Road trip!

Last week, I went on a road trip with the Hoosier Gardener to the Cabin at Wildflower Woods, the home of the Indiana author, Gene Stratton-Porter (1863- 1924).

In her lifetime, Stratton-Porter wrote 26 novels including Freckles, A Girl of the Limberlost, and The Magic Garden.

She was also an amateur naturalist and wildlife photographer and her novels reflect her love of nature in