Showing posts with label weeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weeding. Show all posts

Jul 31, 2016

My Methods of Weed Control

My Methods of Weed Control

The redbud in this picture is a weed.

This has been a marvelous growing season for weeds, has it not?

I feel like I can't turn my back on a flower border or vegetable garden bed for more than two seconds before a new weed seed germinates. There are weeds everywhere.

I clear out weeds in the morning and by nightfall they are back, and it seems as though they've brought their friends with them

Apr 20, 2016

Rescued from the Weeds: The Tale of Pinky and Pretty

Rescued from the Weeds: The Tale of Pinky and Pretty


Written by Pretty

Everyone thinks the life of a tulip is quite simple.

We get planted in the fall, hunker down all winter, then come up and bloom in the spring and soak up the sun juice to rejuvenate our bulbs. Then we rest all summer, fall, and winter, and repeat the next spring.

If only that were true.  There is much more to the life of a tulip, as Pinky and I will tell you, because

Aug 12, 2015

The Paradox of Weeding

The Paradox of Weeding

Boltonia getting ready to bloom - Not weeds!

There is a paradox of weeding, a statement that seems to be contradictory but is oh-so-true.

The more you weed, the less you have to weed.

Let that soak in of a minute, or go pull a couple of weeds and think about it.

I seem not to understand this paradox, and don't weed as often as I should so when I do weed, I have a lot of weeds to pull out,

Jun 24, 2014

A call to weed

A call to weed

There comes a time when you must plunge into the depths of the garden border and pull the weeds.

Pull the thistle rising above the rest of the flowers, catching it just as it is ready to burst into bloom and spew its seed about the garden. No matter that it is growing up through the middle of a massive rose. Pull it out.

Pull the perennial sweet pea vines creeping along the ground, snaking