Showing posts with label vegetable garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetable garden. Show all posts

May 20, 2015

How to plant a tomato plant

How to plant a tomato plant

How do you plant a tomato plant?

You start off with a lovely tomato plant, maybe one you grew yourself from seed or one you bought at a local greenhouse where they grew it from seed.

You pick a variety that reminds you of the tomato plants your dad bought, when 'Big Boy' and 'Beefsteak' and 'Supersteak' grew in many backyard gardens.

Or perhaps you buy a variety called 'Old German' because

May 18, 2015

An Update on The Vegetable Garden Cathedral

An Update on The Vegetable Garden Cathedral

Radishes, 'Cherry Belle' and 'French Breakfast'

Ah, yes, those radishes were quite good, and thank you for asking.  They were crunchy in a crisp sort of way and had just the right amount of kick for a Sunday morning snack.

You should really grow some yourself. You know you should.  Radishes are oh-so-easy to grow, too. Just scratch up a little garden, then plant a few seeds in a row and about

Apr 20, 2015

Cover those seedlings, or else!

Cover those seedlings, or else!

Rainy Sundays.  I suppose if we must have rain on a weekend, it is better for the rain to fall on Sunday rather than Saturday.

I ran out to take a few pictures and check on the Vegetable Garden Cathedral when it was sprinkling just a  little bit.  A lull between rain clouds.

I passed by the lovely 'Lady Jane' tulips, all closed up, doing their best to protect their pollen until a sunny day.

Apr 13, 2015

An Update from the Vegetable Garden Cathedral

An Update from the Vegetable Garden Cathedral

Vegetable Garden Cathedral

I spent some much needed time in the Vegetable Garden Cathedral this weekend.  Both the garden and I needed it.

The garden needed it because it was quite a weedy mess, with henbit (probably Lamium amplexicaule) growing in nearly every bed.

Henbit is a winter annual which generally shows up in early spring.  The trick to controlling it is to pull it out before it

Sep 9, 2014

Dear Friend and Gardener: Late Veg Garden Update

Dear Friend and Gardener: Late Veg Garden Update

Aster 'Alma Potschke', which has nothing to do with the veg garden

Dear Dee and Mary Ann,

I have been quite lax in providing updates for the Dear Friend and Gardening virtual garden club.

Let me catch you up on the vegetable garden.

I spent the better part of yesterday morning cleaning up weeds in the garden.  I pulled out nutsedge and foxtail and grubbed out prostrate spurge and purslane.

Sep 5, 2014

Glass Gem Corn

Glass Gem Corn

... And every evening after she had finished her chores,

 if she had been good all day,

meaning no whining or fussing,

no being mean or unkind to others,

no temper tantrums.

If she ate all her vegetables without complaining,

did enough steps to keep her FitBit happy,

and didn't forget to change out of her regular clothes into her gardening clothes before heading out to the garden...

Jul 9, 2014

And after she picked green beans

And after she picked green beans

Left to Right...Contender, Gold Rush, Roma II, all seeds from Botanical Interests.
And after she picked green beans, she accepted the garden fairies' invitation to sit in the garden with them and dine on golden raspberries and cherry tomatoes.

Their conversation was pleasant and enlightening, even uplifting.

After eating and talking, she walked around the garden with the garden fairies,