Showing posts with label vegetable garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetable garden. Show all posts

Jun 12, 2014

Minding my peas

Minding my peas

There's a tiny bit of work involved in growing peas, but the reward of fresh peas is well worth the effort.

You have to start by having the faith and maybe a little bit of courage to go out to the garden on a cold day in mid-March, or whenever it seems like there is just a glimmer of spring in your garden, and sow the seeds.  You think it is just too cold and the seeds are going to freeze and

May 27, 2014

I forked my beans to keep the rabbits away

I forked my beans to keep the rabbits away

I forked my beans to keep the rabbits away from them. 

Some may look at this fortress of forks and think it looks ridiculous, but it really does help protect the tender bean shoots from being mowed down by a bunch of marauding, toothy, ravenous rabbits.

I also forked my pepper plants, but not before the rabbits bit off three of them.   

Overall, I am pleased with how the garden is growing so

Mar 3, 2014

40 Degrees Fahrenheit

40 Degrees Fahrenheit

Just  before the two little snowdrops were buried in our first snow of March, I hurried out the front door and took a picture of them. Then I hurried back inside because it is cold out there.

 An hour later, the snowdrops were buried under a new blank of snow.

It's not a deep snow, so far, but it's enough snow that when I tell people that I will be out in the veg garden sowing peas in about

Aug 5, 2013

Surprise Lilies and Surprise Announcements

Surprise Lilies and Surprise Announcements

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have taken it upon ourselves to wipe out everything Carol just wrote about the surprise lilies, Lycoris squamigera, because it was all so boringggggg.

We garden fairies do not like boring posts whatsoever. In fact, we gave what Carol wrote six G's out of a scale of five G's because it was beyond anything we could imagine when it comes to

Jul 31, 2013

Corn Pollination:  A One Act Play

Corn Pollination: A One Act Play

Corn Pollination

A One Act Play


Carol M.

Cast of Characters

Corn…………………………....….A sweet corn stalk
Tassel……………………………….A simple tassel at the top of a corn stalk
Silk………………………………… The silk on an ear of corn
Bee………………………………… A simple honeybee
Wind………………………………..A gentle summer breeze

TIME: Summer
SETTING: A garden



(We see a patch of sweet corn growing in a garden)

Jul 13, 2013

Best Green Bean Year Ever

Best Green Bean Year Ever

Do you know what we call a whole lot of green beans?

We call it a "mess of beans" around here, as in "I just picked a mess of green beans, nearly five pounds worth".

I also picked green beans last Sunday, and though I didn't weigh them, I would guess I picked maybe three pounds worth.

These are the very best green beans I have ever grown in all the years - and there are many years - that I

Jul 11, 2013

Waiting, anticipating, looking forward

Waiting, anticipating, looking forward

I'm waiting.

I'm anticipating.

I'm looking forward.

There are green tomatoes in the vegetable garden.  I'm waiting for them to turn red. I'm anticipating the first big ripe tomato. I'm looking forward to eating it.

The golden raspberries are almost gone, but the red raspberries are like green jewels ready to ripen in the sun.

I am waiting for the morning when I can pick the first ripe