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Showing posts with label vegan makeup. Show all posts

Feb 11, 2017

Beauty Review: LUSH Valentine's Day Favourites 2017

LUSH Valentines Day blog
The countdown to February 14th has officially begun and so it seemed only right to share yet another seasonal mini LUSH haul. Whether you're single or celebrating with your loved one this year, self-pampering is important so here's some of my favourites for you all to enjoy from this year's Valentine's collection...

LUSH Valentines shower gel
Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair Shower Gel, £5.95 per 100g - I'm a sucker for a classic movie reference but what really drew me to this product was it's combination of ingredients. Made from freshly squeezed guava and fig juices, this shower gel combines fragrant and deep cleaning designed to leave you with a natural glow. Also made from lavender, jasmine flower, rose petal blends, jasmine AND ylang ylang, it's no surprise that this shower gel smells incredible. The jasmine and ylang ylang are used to make for a sensual and seductive cleanse whilst the sandalwood provides an uplifting kick. It's probably one of my most favourite of their shower gels to date and if you're a fan of floral scents - you're sure to love it. This also comes in wash sheet form which perfectly leads me on to my next treat...

LUSH Valentines wash card
Kiss Me Quick Wash Card, £2.00 each - I had never seen anything like a wash card before so naturally, you can see my need to investigate. To my knowledge, this is the first shower sheet or wash card I've seen in LUSH since 2015 and are pretty much as you'd expect - shower gel in card form about the size of a business card. Having ordered online, I was a little surprised at just how small this was but they make for excellent travel cosmetics and can also be used as a shampoo for on the go.

Made from fresh apple pulp, the Kiss Me Quick wash card, is made using enzymic oil from lemons and limes for a zesty deep cleanse. To use it, simply lather it up and use it like a sponge all over your body. Rinse off and enjoy soft, clean skin! Much like Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair Shower Gel, it also has ylang ylang for a sweet fragrance. I'd definitely recommend trying these out as they smell amazing - even if they are a bit of a novelty.
LUSH heart bath bomb
Cupid Bath Bomb, £2,95 each - I'm obsessed with anything pink and heart shaped so naturally, this had to go straight in the basket. This particular bomb just makes sense to me and seems to embody the LUSH Valentine's Day collection perfectly. Much like the other items in this mini haul, the Cupid Bath Bomb is designed to be uplifting. Made from bergamot, rose and violet leaf absolute, its essentially a bomb of floral sweetness. Besides smelling amazing and looking adorable, it will make your bath look awesome, unleashing pinky hews - it just screams all things Valentine's Day. One down side is that it is rather small - but perfectly formed. 

Two Hearts Beating as One Bath Melt, £3.95 each - Last but certainly not least is this fabulous bath melt which also doubles up an oil. Also made from ylang ylang, jasmine and rose oils, Two Hearts Beating as One is design to be sensual and uplifting. There's clearly a theme here. Another great feature of this delightfully pretty melt is that it has softening qualities. Made from organic cocoa butter, almond and argan oils, and apricot kernel oil, it acts as an intense body conditioner - leaving your skin silky soft and fresh. Again, this one looks amazing in the bath and would recommend it if you're skin is feeling tired and grey from the cold weather. 

LUSH Valentines Day
Well, that's it for this year's Valentine's Day LUSH favourites - have you tried any of the products above? What were your favourites from the 2017 collection? As always, I love reading your comment so please do leave me lots of lovely ones down below. Whether you're staying in, going out, spending it friends or a partner - I hope you all have a good one!

Until next time LUSH lovers,