Showing posts with label trade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trade. Show all posts

May 19, 2017

Trade War to Trade Deal

Trade War to Trade Deal

Recently China and the United States struck a new trade deal that will look to open up the movement of beef, natural gas, and cooked chicken. I encourage you to read through the linked article that shares some of the details of the recent trade talks. At the bottom of the article there is a five minute video clip of analysts looking closer at the trade deal and bringing up some intriguing points.

Apr 21, 2017

From Sea to Plate

From Sea to Plate

Did you know that keeping illegally captured fish off supermarket shelves is a problem around the world? This is a challenge that is facing the fishing/seafood industry and one of the heaviest traded commodities in the world. We encourage you to read the linked article and then utilize the discussion points provided below to guide conversations around the globe.

Tracking Fish Through the Global

Sep 23, 2016

Farmers Push Trans-Pacific Partnership

Farmers Push Trans-Pacific Partnership

This week we take a look at an article that highlights corn producers efforts to push the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through congress. It shares where things stand with the TPP, why there is the push, and what challenges lie ahead. Read the linked article and then utilize the discussion questions to guide your conversations.

Corn Farmers Push Congress to Pass TPP

Discussion Points

Why is

Apr 27, 2016

Vietnam and the United States: The Possibilities

Vietnam and the United States: The Possibilities

If you have been around agriculture and trade discussions lately you are well aware of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement that is in the works. This is something that many in agriculture in the United States wish was already in place due to the markets it would open. The linked article is a report from the USDA that highlights the opportunities that are availability for trade between

Feb 11, 2016

Egypt Wheat Dilemma

Egypt Wheat Dilemma

Currently wheat trade has been halted with Egypt due to numerous reasons. The linked article below takes a look at why this has happened and the implications that it is having. We encourage you to read over the article below and start conversations with the discussion points provided.

Egypt Wheat Trade

Discussion Points

What factors have caused wheat trade with Egypt to halt?
What effects