Showing posts with label soil testing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soil testing. Show all posts

Nov 24, 2015

Thinking of Cutting Out Soil Testing?

Thinking of Cutting Out Soil Testing?

With crop prices low, some people are thinking that soil testing is one of the things they could cut out or cut back on.  Kansas State University researchers have studied the issue and found that trying to apply fertilizer without proper data can cost money whether fertilizer is over or under applied. There article on the Economic Return of Soil Testing documents the issue very well.  With lower crop prices, the value of soil testing increases.

Dec 21, 2014

Gypsum as a Sulfur Source?

Gypsum as a Sulfur Source?

I read about using gypsum as a sulfur source in No-Till Farmer.  This may or may not be a good idea.  If you need calcium to offset the effects of excessive magnesium, it is a great idea.  If you already have excessive calcium, you could contribute to low magnesium issues. Know what is going on with your soil before applying any amendment.

Dec 18, 2014

How Often to Soil Test

How Often to Soil Test

No-Till Farmer released the results of a poll on frequency of soil testing among no-tillers.  Of those responding to the poll, 21% said yearly, and 25% said every other year.  I am surprised that 46% test that frequently.  We still get odd looks when we say we want to test every year.  It is true that you can do some mathematical calculations and come up with fertilizer needs, but soil tests are affected by moisture and temperature.  By testing every year, you learn if your soils are up to snuff under all environmental conditions.  Your soils don't read crop removal charts.  those charts are based on averages.  things could be very different on your farm.