Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts

Mar 24, 2014

Go, go, go. Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Go, go, go. Buzz, buzz, buzz.

We could learn a few things from the bees.

They were out in full force on Friday, the first full day of spring. They buzzed from hellebores to crocuses and then from crocus to crocus. I'm sure they visited the irises and snowdrops, too.

The bees know a sunny day shouldn't be wasted in the springtime. They know the pollen from those early spring flowers
isn't going to be there forever until

Sep 17, 2013

Floral Flotsam

Floral Flotsam

I have finally come across a phrase to describe those blooms that hang on well past their season or show up after their season is over.

Floral flotsam.

The season for these blooms, this flotsam of the garden, has sailed away, leaving them to hang on for as long as they are able.

In the early summer, there is not much floral flotsam left over from spring. Or perhaps there is some floral