Showing posts with label precision agriculture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label precision agriculture. Show all posts

Jan 22, 2015

Site Specific Management

Site Specific Management

I debated on writing anything on this topic today, but decided that a summary of my day was in order.  Today I attended the 360 Yield Center Yield Summit in Washington, IL.  Greg Sauder made some compelling presentations on variable rate seeding and Nitrogen management.  He used the day to highlight what his new company is doing and how to fine tune the technical aspects of your farming operation.  Many of his suggestions revolve around his Yield Commander program.  He also discussed residue management and his new snapping rollers for your corn head.  He also discussed two sprayer products, Y-drop for nitrogen application and undercover for fungicide/insecticide application.  His products are thoroughly tested and all of them have merits.  You have to figure out if and how the products fit into your operation.  The pitfall I see in the site specific management is that you need good data to input in order to get good data out of the system.   I could go into much more detail, but I would probably prefer to answer questions about specific products by email. 

Sep 23, 2014

Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag

Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag

I have been following a discussion on Linkin about barriers to adopting precision agriculture.  First let me say that precision ag has been around since the beginning of farming.  Farmers have always known that some soils are more productive than others.  As scale of farming got bigger, that fact was ignored.  Now we have the ability to treat unique areas in unique ways using electronic guidance systems.  So why isn't everyone using modern precision techniques.  I am sure there are lots of reasons, but the group seemed to think the following are barriers:
  • Customer support
  • Ease of use
  • Cost
  • Cross compatibility issues
  • Economic gain not  apparent
  • Lack of knowledge about what is needed to adopt
  • Lack of good advice