Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts

Apr 21, 2017

From Sea to Plate

From Sea to Plate

Did you know that keeping illegally captured fish off supermarket shelves is a problem around the world? This is a challenge that is facing the fishing/seafood industry and one of the heaviest traded commodities in the world. We encourage you to read the linked article and then utilize the discussion points provided below to guide conversations around the globe.

Tracking Fish Through the Global

Aug 26, 2016

China and Rooftop Agriculture

China and Rooftop Agriculture

About a month ago I came across an interesting article that I wanted to share. The article linked below describes a rooftop farm in China. Along with the article two videos are shared. The first video gives you an up close look at the rooftop garden that is featured in China. The second video discusses agriculture practices and policy in China. I encourage you to read the article and watch the