Showing posts with label organic food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organic food. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2016

GMO Labeling

GMO Labeling

I was listening to the debate on GMO labeling today, and decided to share my thoughts. It looks like there is a lot of interest in seeing a uniform, nationwide labeling law.  Past commodity groups and farm groups seem to be in favor a some law.  Others are still opposed.  A voluntary labeling bill is being considered.  I am not sure what that accomplishes.

I would argue that we already have non-GMO labeling in the "organic" label.

You can pretty much figure if the food contains any of the 9 GMO crops grown in the US,  Alfalfa, Canola, Corn (field and sweet),  Cotton, Papaya, Potatoes, Soybeans, Squash, and Sugar Beets then you are likely eating GMO foods.   I would argue that no label is necessary.  There is no know health risk to eating GMO foods and we have been eating them for over 20 years.

So back to voluntary labeling. I cannot imagine that GMO labeling would help sell any product that is labeled.  If it was voluntary, I don't think my food company would use it.  If you make labeling mandatory, that you at least level the playing field.  So while I don't see the need for GMO labeling, if we must have it, it should be mandatory. The down side of leaving it to the states that a hodge podge of laws would be a mess.

May 18, 2015

Is Chipotle Promoting the Anti-science Movement?

Is Chipotle Promoting the Anti-science Movement?

It seems that one of the things that makes our country great is that if you can find a market niche for your product and promote it, you drive our capitalistic society.  The question is, are Chipotle and Whole foods taking that concept too far.  Apparently a significant part of our population believes that non-GMO and organically grown are healthier.  Is it wrong for companies to take advantage of that belief?  Michael Gerson of the Washington Post wrote a column that appeared in today's St. Louis Post Dispatch accusing companies like Chipotle and Whole Foods of adding fuel to the fire for the anti-science movement.  His column is entitled "Corporate Irresponsibility over GMO's".

Personally, I have nothing against organic farming if it does not cause underproduction and hunger.  In general I refuse to pay a premium for organically grown food.  What anyone eats or pays for food is their  business.  It is socially irresponsible to drive up food cost for the poor.  It is also socially irresponsible to impose food production techniques that leave people hungry.