Showing posts with label markets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label markets. Show all posts

Nov 18, 2016

Global Agriculture Watch

Global Agriculture Watch

There is a lot happening in agriculture markets around the world. A link below provides a look around the globe concerning agriculture supply and demand and potential impacts on markets. While it focuses on impacts to the United States markets you can apply the information to all markets around the world. We encourage you to read the article linked below and utilize the discussion points provided

Sep 11, 2015

Global Food Prices Drop

Global Food Prices Drop

We have all heard the reports of a bunker crop coming and low commodity prices. Yet another sign of this is a large decline in global food prices. Linked below is an article that hits on this decline in food prices and examines many reasons. Read the linked article and use the discussion points to guide conversations around the globe in various settings!

Global Food Prices Drop Most in 7 Years