Showing posts with label lawns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lawns. Show all posts

May 29, 2015

There's magic in a clover lawn

There's magic in a clover lawn

There's magic in a clover lawn.

You can carefully pick the flowers and tie them together to create a tiara fit for a queen and then you are suddenly the Queen of the Garden. And all the garden fairies will gather round to grant you your fondest wishes and dreams.

You can sit for hours staring at the three-leaf clovers until magically a four-leaf clover will appear before your very eyes.


Apr 2, 2015

Ode to Lawn Flowers

Ode to Lawn Flowers


I'm quite pleased with how the Chionodoxa have begun to flower in the lawn just as the Crocus are beginning to fade.

I like them so much I finally learned how to pronounce the name Chionodoxa - "key-own-a-dox-ah".

Or glory of the snow, if you prefer, but there is no snow around here so it seems to be a rather odd common name.


Most of what I planted last fall

Mar 12, 2015

And the lawn began to bloom

And the lawn began to bloom

For the joy of that first moment when I stepped out the back door and saw all the crocuses blooming in the lawn, it was worth it.

It was worth spending hours planting all those crocus bulbs last fall, and the two falls before that.

It was worth enduring the cold, wind, ice, and snow of winter, including the last snow just ten days ago that covered the back lawn with six inches of snow.


Aug 22, 2014

Oh give me a lawn...

Oh give me a lawn...

"Oh give me a lawn
Where the bees roam along
And the rabbits have plenty to eat."

Such a lawn will surely have clover in it.

Lean in and let me tell you a secret about my lawn.

I bought a bag of seeds for dutch white clover and sowed the seeds around my back lawn earlier in the spring. I'm not sure how well I timed my sowing but as I mow now I see little spots of clover coming up all over.