Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

May 28, 2017

Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical Questions

I went to the local greenhouse to get some more containers of Geranium 'Rozanne', which I have somehow fallen in love with this spring.

I knew when I went to the greenhouse I was going to buy the plants, and I knew I was going to buy those plants from them because I already bought some from them earlier but needed more, and they were kind and gracious enough to add some to their latest

May 10, 2017

Sailing through the garden on the good ship 'Rain Again'

Sailing through the garden on the good ship 'Rain Again'

Dear Olive,

Greetings from the good ship 'Rain Again'.

We've had quite the journey through Spring so far. We've sailed along with six or more inches of rain in the last ten days or so, depending on which rain gauge you believe. My garden is thoroughly and unequivocably saturated from it all.

The cruise director on the good ship 'Rain Again' has kept me busy, more or less, while we've been

Apr 29, 2017

It's been a glamorous week in the garden

It's been a glamorous week in the garden

It's been a glamorous week in the garden.

I spent time nearly every day this past week digging out compost from my three compost bins on the east end of the Vegetable Garden Cathedral. Those bins are right where I plan to put a new flower border.

Why add a new flower border? Because the Cathedral needs more flowers. But rest assured and breathe easier because I have not given up on composting

Feb 11, 2017

Dirty Knees and All is Well

Dirty Knees and All is Well

A few days ago, the crocuses were covered with about an inch of snow and winter was decidedly present in the garden.

Today, the snow has mostly melted except in the coldest parts of the garden and the crocuses are coming up faster than I can count them.

Count them?  I did attempt a count last year, early on, and quit at about 300. I know I've planted well more than that–perhaps 3,000 over the

Jan 30, 2017

Getting ready for... February!

Getting ready for... February!

Snowdrop bud

I've heard some rumblings from a few people concerned about me getting bored as we begin to walk through that big valley of winter called February.

No worries. I'm all set. Ready to go. I've got plans. I've got seed catalogs and books. I've got little snowdrops I check on daily when I am out filling up the bird feeders, which I do on a near daily basis.

I've got ideas

Nov 30, 2016

The Garden Muddles

The Garden Muddles

Yep, a flower blooms on Nov. 29th

One would assume after nearly 20 years of gardening in this place I call collectively May Dreams Gardens that I would have named every garden bed and border.

Don't assume such a thing. I have not done so, but came a little closer to naming all of them a few weeks ago when I finally decided on names for the plantings along the sides of my house.


Oct 19, 2016

The simple joy of digging and planting

The simple joy of digging and planting

Cornus kousa 'Summer Fun'

I love digging in the garden.

With each shovelful of dirt, I feel like I'm entering a secret world of bacteria and fungi and worms and other critters than live amongst the roots and rocks that lie buried beneath the surface.

Did this secret underground world have any idea earlier today that it would be unearthed?

Today when I was digging, I found mostly roots