Showing posts with label gardeners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardeners. Show all posts

Oct 31, 2016

Rare in Cultivation

Rare in Cultivation

Admit it. You read that title "Rare in Cultivation" and your heart skipped a beat. Maybe your fingers started shaking a bit as you quickly scrolled down to see what plant it is that I am going to write about that is "rare in cultivation".

Already if you are a gardener, you want this "rare in cultivation" plant. You can hardly wait to find out what plant it is and are thinking about where you

Aug 31, 2016

List of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door

List of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door

I believe I have the qualifications and experience to provide a list of ten clues to determine if you might have an eccentric gardener living next door to you.

Now, don't spend too much time trying to figure out how I can provide such a list.  Just go through the list and answer yes or no about your neighbors.

And as you go through the list, you might also see if any of these ten clues apply

Sep 3, 2015

Carry your garden with you

Carry your garden with you

You can't hold the scent of a garden in your hands, but you can carry it with you wherever you go.

It's almost like a riddle. What can you carry without holding it in your hands?

Your garden, of course. How it smells. How it looks. The pleasure it gives us. We carry it in our thoughts. We carry it in our hearts.

We carry it in our conversations with others.  Someone will ask an innocent  

Nov 21, 2014

Are you a scattershot gardener or a bullseye gardener?

Are you a scattershot gardener or a bullseye gardener?

Do you know the difference between scattershot gardeners and bullseye gardeners?

The difference is focus.

Scattershot gardeners like all kinds of plants and flowers.  They are likely to buy a plant they've never heard of because they saw it, liked it, and immediately felt they could not possibly have a garden without it.

Scattershot gardeners grow a little of everything in their gardens.