Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Aug 8, 2014

Garden fairies explain mystery gladiola

Garden fairies explain mystery gladiola

Garden fairies here!

We are garden fairies and you should have seen the look on Carol's face when she saw this white gladiola growing in the middle of Plopper's Field, the garden border where she just plops plants in wherever there is a bare spot.

She looked quite startled when she saw this big glad towering up over some daylilies.  Then she looked puzzled and her brow kind of furrowed a

Jun 21, 2014

Overheard in a garden

Overheard in a garden

If you are very quiet in a garden and stand quite still, you can hear the flowers talking to one another.

Listen in to the conversation overheard in the August Dreams Garden border on a still, early morning.

"Good morning, flower friends.  Hey Solidago, what's going on over there?"

"Glad you asked, Rudbeckia.  Please call us Goldenrod. Did you see how Carol trimmed us back the other day?  We

Jun 10, 2014

Garden Pictures with Captions

Garden Pictures with Captions

Lonely garden chairs seek gardener to sit down for a minute.

Blank spot! Go to the garden center now, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

If I could will myself to love weeding, I would have many opportunities to add love to my life.  

No, I am not filling the feeders until you birds eat all the serviceberries.

All mine!