Showing posts with label garden bloggers bloom day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden bloggers bloom day. Show all posts

May 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for May 2017.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we are enjoying a spring with plenty of rain, and the garden looks more lush and full every day.

Our average rainfall for May is just a few drops over two inches, and already we are well on our way to five inches or there abouts for the month. Yes, we are ahead on rainfall for the

Apr 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day April 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day April 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for April 2017.

Here in my USDA hardiness zone 6a garden in central Indiana, I look around and ask the question we gardeners always ask.

"Where did all these weeds come from?"

I'm kidding.

I look around and ask "Are the blooms ahead or behind compared to last year?"

I checked back a few years by reading old bloom day posts and confirmed what I already

Mar 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for March 2017.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, the early spring which began in February continued on...

... until Monday when Mother Nature added a heavy dusting of snow. Then overnight into Tuesday, she added a little more snow and turned down the thermostat. It's mid-day as I write this and still the temperature hovers

Feb 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - February 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for February 2017.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana the mild winter continues. We speak of it in hushed tones–the warmer temperatures, the lack of snow, the sunshine–as though saying anything about it out loud will cause the snow, ice, and sub freezing temperatures to return abrubtly.

So, let me whisper to you about the blooms

Jan 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - January 2017

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - January 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for January 2017.

Many people think of January as the beginning of another year of bloom day posts. Actually January is the end of a year of bloom day posts since we started this tradition back in February 2007.

That's right. February 2007. That means those who have joined in from the beginning now have ten years of bloom day posts. Ten years.

And many

Dec 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2016

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for December 2016.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, any thoughts I had that Fall would really last forever have been blown away by the cold chills and snow of Winter.

I was grateful we were spared the big snowfall that fell north of us this past weekend, but that "sparing" didn't last long as we got a decent pile of snow dumped

Nov 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - November 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - November 2016

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for November 2016.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we just woke up to the first freeze of the season a few days ago. This beat the old "latest first freeze record" set in the 1940's by about four days.

This means my bloom day post for November features some  seed heads covered with heavy frost.  They are the ghosts of the