Showing posts with label fruits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruits. Show all posts

Aug 22, 2013



My raspberries.

They came to me in the early spring of 2012, three sticks with a few roots attached at one end.

I planted them in an area where I had previously planted some shrubs on the edge of the Vegetable Garden Cathedral.

Who wants shrubs on the edge of a vegetable garden? I decided I didn't. I decided the edge of the garden is a good place for fruits and berries.

I watered my

Aug 12, 2013

August Harvest:  Red Raspberries

August Harvest: Red Raspberries

Big drops of red raspberries drip off into my hand.

I pick. I eat. I pick some more.

Very few make it all the way indoors.

Why did I wait so long in my gardening life to plant raspberry briars?

Oh, right. Because they are briars, suckering up all over the place. Encroaching on the vegetable garden path. Making their way out toward The Shrubbery.

But all is forgiven when I stand there,

May 9, 2013

The bloom is off the viburnum

The bloom is off the viburnum

Strawberry blooms

The bloom is on the strawberry and off the Korean Spice Viburnum.

By golly,  now that it isn't blooming, I think I can remove that Korean Spice Viburnum on the right side of the gate to the vegetable garden after all.  It has a big dead branch in the middle and is right where I want to plant a new honeyberry.

Then I'll move the other smaller Korean Spice Vibnurnum on the

Apr 21, 2013

And then it bloomed

And then it bloomed

My plan was to cut down the large Korean Spice Viburnum (Viburnum carlesii) on the right side of the gate.

Then I would move the much smaller Korean Spice Viburnum on the left side of the gate to another location in the garden.

After all, the larger viburnum has a big dead branch in it, and it's getting on in years.

Plus, I have two honeyberries, Lonicera caerulea, growing in one gallon