Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Nov 13, 2014

The Society for the Promotion of Mums as the Quintessential Fall Flower

The Society for the Promotion of Mums as the Quintessential Fall Flower

Who will buy these?

The Society for the Promotion of Mums as the Quintessential Fall Flower* would like to lodge an official protest regarding the disfiguration of poinsettias to modify their colors to allow them to be sold in the fall as an alternative to mums, which are the quintessential fall flower.

The Society is concerned that allowing this practice of coloring poinsettias in shades of

Nov 6, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Fall Floral Flotsam

Wordless Wednesday - Fall Floral Flotsam

Fall Floral Flotsam on Viburnum

"A bit out of season, but a reminder that every season leaves something behind when it moves on, a remembrance, a bit of debris, some floral flotsam."

Oct 12, 2014

Magical Autumn Crocus - A Story

Magical Autumn Crocus - A Story

Once upon a time, in the autumn time, a bouquet of garden fairies were sitting in a garden, resting after a long day spent painting tree leaves in the traditional colors of fall.  

The garden fairies were all covered in fall colors - gold, orange, crimson, yellow, burnt umber, brown and all colors in between.  They were tired but satisfied they had done as good a job as they had ever done

Oct 5, 2014

The color of fall

The color of fall

Autumn crocus

The color of fall is gold and orange and yellow and brown and tan, right?

Well, someone forgot to tell my garden about this color scheme.

Here in my garden, we are enjoying purples and pinks and whites, and they look wonderful in the glow of a partly sunny, cool autumn afternoon.

Walk with me through the garden and let's take a look.

First up, let's kneel down and see the

Jun 7, 2014

Be quiet amongst the flowers

Be quiet amongst the flowers

Clematis 'Pagoda'

Shhh... be quiet amongst the flowers, lest you disturb a sleeping garden fairy.

Or frighten a buzzing bee.

Or interrupt a chorus of birds.

Shhh... if you are quiet enough,

You may hear the earthworms digging.

You may hear the butterflies flying.

You will hear the songs of the flowers.

Feb 25, 2014

Guest Perspective on Women's Day 2014

In preparation for Women's Day, fellow team member Robin Baker wrote a guest blog post for Flower Talk. Enjoy her perspective on this holiday, which is coming up Saturday, March 8th. 

Mount Blackburn, at the heart of the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska, stands at an impressive 16,390 feet. I could see its summit from the toe of the Kennecott Glacier over 20 miles away. I was sitting among the wildflowers in front of the lodge where I’d been working for the summer. The peak, the fifth highest in the United States, was first summited by a woman, Dora Keen, on May 19 in 1912, eight years before the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment which granted women the right to vote.

Sitting in the dusky Alaskan sun of late summer, I couldn’t help but be humbled by women like Dora Keen, Susan B Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and the countless others who paved the way for the women of today. These women and many around me today, remind me not to limit myself to set ideas about what I can or cannot do based on my gender.

Mount Blackburn is the snow covered peak on the left.
We’ve come a long way. If I want to work for a multimillion dollar company, I can. If I want to be a CEO, I can. If I want to be an outdoor guide and summit 16,000 foot peaks, I can. If I want to be an engineer, plumber, doctor, artist, teacher, mechanic…I can. I can choose if, when and whom I want to marry and if and when I have children—a right some in the world are still fighting for.

All that effort, the step-by-step struggle Dora Keen took to reach the summit of Blackburn and the years of fighting and hard work by women like Susan B. Anthony bring us to where we are today. We are not quite at the summit, we are still en route. However, this is something worth celebrating.

Remembering this, I turned my attention from the distant summit of the mountain to the flowers growing beside me on the hillside. I was then sweetly reminded that it took many small details to make up the breathtaking landscape I was enjoying. The height of a mountain cannot dwarf the beauty of a resilient wild Alaskan flower. Instead, they work together to create a world of color that offers a myriad of tactile pleasures to enjoy. 

That’s why, this Women’s Day, I’ll be honoring and celebrating the women in my life by giving them flowers. Flowers remind us to slow down, appreciate the hard work and intricacy of beauty and growth that comes in all shapes and sizes. 

-Robin Baker 

In keeping with Sun Valley's Guiding Principle #3, "Inspire others and always keep learning", Robin also volunteers on the Board of the Emma Center, whose mission is to provide long term, integrated healing services in a safe, empowering environment for any woman who has experienced trauma.

Oct 4, 2013

Purple and Green

Purple and Green

Seems all I can think of these days is silver and gold purple and green.

Purple and GreenPurple and GreenEveryone wishes for Purple and GreenHow do you measure its worth?Just by the pleasure it gives here on Earth


Purple and GreenPurple and GreenEveryone wishes for Purple and GreenHow do you measure its worth?Just by the pleasure it gives here on Earth

Aster 'Purple Dome'