Showing posts with label farming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farming. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2016

The Connection Between Fall Equinox and Farmers

The Fall Equinox of 2016 is this Thursday, September 22nd, and is one of the most significant days of the year for the farmer.  Everything about the Fall Equinox revolves around farmers and their bounty.  It makes sense doesn't it? Our ancestors' survival absolutely depended upon their crops, and their winter survival was determined by their fall-season harvest. 

Fall Equinox Farmers
These agricultural aspects of the Autumnal Equinox are celebrated in one way or another by almost every culture on earth:
  •  In China, they celebrate the equinox with the Moon Festival, a traditional celebration that dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) which is dedicated to celebrating the abundance of summer's harvest.  
  • In Korea, they have Chuseok, a major harvest festival and three-day holiday in which people travel to their hometowns to pay respects to their ancestors, to whom successful harvest crops are attributed.  
  • In Europe and elsewhere, there are traditional harvest festivals around the September full moon, celebrations of Pomona (goddess of fruits and growing things), and neo-pagans celebrate Mabon, a harvest celebration encouraging people to reflect on the year and "reap what they sow."
Fall Flowers Royal Lilies
This fall, we are reaping heaps of autumn-hued Royal Lilies
In the same week of the Autumnal Equinox comes the full moon of September, called the Harvest Moon (and also, the Full Corn Moon).  Again, in the theme of changing seasons, the Harvest Moon is named for late-summer harvest, and was believed to be the brightest full moons of all (by the way, it's not)--so bright, in fact, that farmers could work by the light of it.
Harvest Moon Fall Equinox
Harvest Moon
Regardless of location, culture, and semantics, what all these Autumnal Equinox festivals have in common is the celebration of the end-of-summer harvest, reflection of what crops, projects, or ideas did or did not come to fruition, as well as preparation for the coming winter.  It is a time to give thanks for the sunlight of summer as well as respect the shift to the darkness of winter. 

In the flower world, the Autumnal Equinox is a time for us to express gratitude and honor a moment of balance as night and day stand in mostly equal duration.  So what crops are we celebrating here at Sun Valley? What are we currently reaping which we sowed weeks and weeks ago?
Fall SLT French Tulips Sun Valley
Fall French Tulips

Clearwater Tulip Fall Equinox
Clearwater Tulip
Well, we are forever thankful for our fresh Fall French tulips, made possible only through our bulb connections with our Southern Hemisphere partners (who are about to go through their Spring Equinox, a whole other seasonal celebration).  One French Tulip that we are really celebrating is our pristine, white Clearwater Tulips, which look like little full harvest moons atop strong, green stems.

In Oxnard, the heat and light of the dry Southern California summer has given us our second flush of lovely, layered Lisianthus.  We planted the original plugs about a year ago, and it's wonderful to see this beautiful crop come full circle.

Lisianthus in fall

And of course, our Royal Lilies (LA Hybrids) are perfect for fall, coming in the warm oranges, yellow and reds that everyone loves for their autumnal bouquets.  We have been picking these for several weeks and will continue through the end of the year! 

Royal Lilies LA Hybrid Fall Colors

After the Autumnal Equinox, the days will get shorter until the winter solstice in December, and the light will begin its slow journey back to spring and summer days.  And while we flower farmers don't work by the light of the Harvest Moon, we will be doing our planting and picking by the light of the greenhouse while the Autumn Moon shines on. Happy Fall!

Sun Valley Greenhouse in Autumn

Fall Equinox Lady Aster

Mar 8, 2015

Agriculture Business Ideas

Agriculture Business requires knowledge of farming practices as well as some experience in developing a business.  If done properly Agriculture Businesses are the most lucrative business in this world.

Agriculture Business can be started in low-cost with some training.  Find below the methods to make money from Agriculture Business in short period.

Livestock Feed
Now a day’s lot of people are going for livestock farming like Pig Farming, Goat Farming, Cow Farming, Fish Farming and Poultry Farming.  As a smart business man you can start supplying the feed to the people to feed their livestock.  Ensure by research you are supplying the feed with rich nutrients that helps to grow their livestock healthy.

To start this business you need Grinding Machine, Weighing Machine, Packing Bags and Raw Materials for Production.

See also drip irrigation

Cashew Nuts and Ground Nut Processing
Raw Cashew Nuts and Ground Nuts are available in village farms and markets.  You can purchase them at low price and sell at profit by proper processing and packing.

Vegetable Farming
Mushroom Farming is a highly profitable business that can fetch you more than 300%.  Space is the key for Mushroom Farming, if available then you can have your own farm and supply it to Pharma Industries, Restaurants etc., If you are doing it in a big scale you can even export it to other countries.

Soya bean which is rich in nutrients can be grown and supplied in the market.  People with health conscious would definitely buy this.

Like this you can choose vegetables in demand and grow in your farm for commercial purpose.  Capital required to start this Agriculture Business is Very Low.

Flowers and Herbal Plants
Plants are the basis for Home, Landscape and Gardens. If you have space in your garden, growing different types of plants, herbs and sell them to make money

Coconut Juice
Coconut Flavor is a distinctive addition to sweet and savory recipes.  With proper business plan, packing and quantity you can sell to supermarkets with your brand name.  Good Marketing plan will fetch you lot of money in this business.

Flour Milling
By converting grains like Wheat, Millet, and Corns in to flour you can start your own Flour Milling business.  If you don’t have space, you can rent a small space and start from there and as your business expands, you can opt for a larger space.

Agriculture Brokerage
If you have good network, you can connect the growers with buyers and get commissions paid. No Investment Required.

Organic Farming
People are now showing more interest in Organic Foods.  Organic Fruits and Vegetable are appealing.  Farmers are selling their organic produce to hotels and restaurants.  
Running Organic farm needs special Skills, Equipment’s and Fertilizer.  It takes more time to combat Weeds and Bug Infestations according to strict Organic Standards

See also Mulching Sheets

Selling Fruit Juices
People dislike artificial juices because of the additives and slowly turning towards Fresh and Natural juice which is rich in Vitamins. If you have blenders and extractors, then there is a huge opportunity to make money.

Bee Keeping
Honey is manufactured in Beehives. Pure honey has more commercial value than artificial honey. One liter of pure honey will fetch you between Rs.1000 – 2000.  In village farms people are selling pure honey you can buy it, process and pack it in an attractive way to make money. 

See also Goat Farming

Basket Production
Baskets are produced in various sizes.  Farmers use this for packing and storing agricultural products.  It is made from palm front and leaves to finished products for economic and commercial gains.

Selling baby chicks is one of much profitable Agricultural business. They can provide a family with egg, meat or both.  Your job is to have enough egg laying hens, incubate them and sell when they hatch. You can also distribute the chicks to supply stores to make money.

Mar 4, 2015

Advantages of Goat Farming

Goats are Multi-functional animal.  Goat’s milk is used for producing full cream goat powder, skimmed goat milk powder, goat butter, goat milk cream, fresh goat milk etc., Commercial goat farming business is contributing greatly to the economy and nutrition of a country.

Goats are friendly in nature and lovable
Goats reach sexual maturity within 7 – 12 months of age and give birth in a short time
Both Female and Male goats have market value
Goat milk is cholesterol free
Goats give Skin, Meat and Fiber
Return on Investment Ratio is Very Good
Since goat farming is a profitable business many Government and Non-Government entities are providing loans
Need less labor 


Select a suitable area for business that has all facilities for goat farming
Clean source for water supply
Food Source
Full Time Transportation
Veterinary Services
Market nearby to sell goats


Boer Goats
Saanen Goats
Black Bengal Goats
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Sirohi Goats
Pygmy Goats


Commercial goat farming needs a separate house for Goats.  It should not be mixed with other livestock.  Keep the shelter Clean and Neat.  Proper Ventilation and Drainage system is must along with Fresh Air and Light inside shelter


Goat needs Energy, Protein, Vitamin, Fiber and Water for growth.  Goats prefer to eat Shrubs, Grasses, Weeds and Herbs


Viral diseases like PPR, goat pox, foot and mouth diseases and bacterial diseases like anthrax, brucellosis etc. are very harmful for goats. So, proper vaccination is a must to prevent these types of diseases.

Goat Vaccination
Vaccine Name
Applying Rate
Applying Method
1 ml
Injection Under Skin
Foot & Mouth Disease
2 ml
Injection Under Skin
1 ml
Injection Under Skin


Depends on how much care you adapt for Goat Farming. By proper planning and management you can easily make the Goat Farming business profitable.  Small Scale requires low investment and High Scale require high investment.

In short, goat farming is a traditional, profitable, risk-less and very easy business because of its multi utility and fast growing rate.