Showing posts with label fairies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fairies. Show all posts

May 22, 2017

Garden fairies discuss a dire situation

Garden fairies discuss a dire situation

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we cannot remember when we last posted on this blog but we know it was a while ago.

We are a little miffed that readers didn't clamor for us to write something sooner but we will get over it and besides we are far too busy to spend time here on this blog. After all, it is spring and we have flowers to open up all over the garden, including this

Mar 24, 2017

Short Tulips: A Garden Fairy Tale

Short Tulips: A Garden Fairy Tale

Granny 'Gus' McGarden packed a lunch and began her journey from The Vegetable Garden Cathedral to Neighbor's View. She took a short cut through Plopper's Field and walked past the Lilac Muddle to reach her destination.

She wanted to see for herself the tulips that were blooming down low after hearing some of the other garden fairies talk about them.

Sure enough, when she got there, she saw

Mar 4, 2017

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we are busy because spring is coming early but when we got word of Carol's book that blew in during the big winds from a few days ago, we decided to pause in our spring flower duties and write a press release.

That is why the lovely crocus pictured here isn't open yet.  We had to stop everything and work on the press release.

Have garden fairies

Feb 12, 2017

Garden Fairies discuss sunny and 67º in February

Garden Fairies discuss sunny and 67º in February

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we have not posted for awhile, which as you know, is not our fault.

Carol hogs the computer. She doesn't like us to post too often because she said, "How am I going to be taken seriously as a garden writer and disseminator of great gardening wisdom if I let garden fairies post on my blog?"

As if!

We have a thing or two to explain to Carol about

Jan 5, 2017

Garden fairies take umbrage

Garden fairies take umbrage

Patiently waiting for helleborus buds to open

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we take umbrage! We are beside ourselves after taking a look through this book that Carol is getting ready to publish.

Please sit down and hold tight as we tell you...

There is just one mention of garden fairies in the entire book.

We are garden fairies so we will just take a moment and let that

Oct 2, 2016

Garden Fairies Discuss What Happens When They Argue

Garden Fairies Discuss What Happens When They Argue

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we were just discussing what happens when we argue amongst ourselves.  What happens is the toad paints the flowers of Tricyrtis to look like the spots on his back and so we end up with toad lilies.

He did this while we garden fairies were arguing about whether the flowers should be white or purple.  We at first were just a bit miffed that the

Sep 27, 2016

Has it really been 12 years?

Has it really been 12 years?

Asters were also blooming in my garden 12 years ago

I was looking through some old blog posts earlier today, digging down deep into the past when I reached the very first post on this blog, published on September 26, 2004 and realized today is my blog's 12th anniversary.

In honor of this occasion, I'm turning my blog over, once again, to the garden fairies, to take a walk down memory lane.
