Showing posts with label drip irrigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drip irrigation. Show all posts

Mar 12, 2015

Components of Drip Irrigation

Water Source / Pump – To provide sufficient amount of water
Water source can be an open well / bore well or water stored in syntax tank.  For home gardens and small plots syntax tank with 10-15 ft height is enough to distribute water (uses gravity to increase water pressure) and for farm field more than 1 acre minimum 3 – 5 hp motor is required.

Filters – To remove particles from water
Filter ensures clean water into the system.  Filter types are Screen Filter, Disk Filter, Hydrocylone Filter and Sand Filter.  Any one of these filter can be used. Different sizes are available according to the flow rate.

Pressure Gauge – To monitor the pressure flow from filter

Ventury – Not mandatory, used for fertigation through Drip Irrigation

Fertilizer injector is a useful addition to drip irrigation system which allows you to deliver nutrients directly to the root zone and injector can help produce maximum plant growth.  Easy to install and require no outside power source.  All injectors should be installed downstream from a back flow preventer.

Control Valves – To open and close the water system in Drip irrigation
This is made either of metal or plastic to control the pressure and flow of water into Drip irrigation system.

Main Line
It can be a PVC / PE / HDPE /LDPE material and size depends on the flow rate.

Sub-Main Pipes  
Made of PVC / PE / HDPE /LDPE and connected to the laterals and size depends on the flow rate.

Laterals – transport water to the root of plants
Made of LDPE / LLDPE stretched along the crops to provide water to the plants directly

Emitters – Control the water flow from lateral into soil
It’s device that is used to emit the water to the root zone of the plant. Different types are available

Fitting and Accessories
Tee connectors are used to connect main line to sub-main and sub-main to laterals. Available sizes are 16 x 16 mm, 12 x12 mm

Straight connectors are used to connect pipes and also called as joiners

Take-off tee is used to connect the lateral pipes to the sub-main pipe with the help of rubber washer called grommets

Mar 11, 2015

Disadvantages of Drip Irrigation

Salinity Problem     
Causes clogging if not filtered properly

Initial Start-up cost is high

Moisture distribution problem

High skill is required to design and install

Periodic flushing is required

Direct sun rays affect the life span of the tubes

Mar 10, 2015

Advantages of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a modern method in which water is delivered directly into the root zone of the plants. Drip Irrigation systems are able to supply small amounts of water at high frequency intervals. As a result, a relatively constant moisture level of the soil can be maintained.  This enhances good growth and production.

Traditional way of irrigating the entire field by flood irrigation results in significant loss of water.  In Drip irrigation water is saved and water in the wetted area increases the efficiency of water and nutrition uptake.

Advantages of Drip irrigation

Increases revenue from increased yield
Increases revenue from increased quality
Decreases water costs
Easy installation
No drift
No water being supplied to weeds
Decreases labour costs
Decreases energy costs
Decreases fertilizer costs
Decreases pesticide costs
Less evaporation of water compared to surface irrigation
No soil erosion
Improves seed germination
Improved environmental quality
Fertilizers can be directly applied efficiently through drip irrigation system
Drip irrigation can be used with polyethylene mulch which increases the yield further

In Drip Irrigation for effective result design is the key.  Lower salt content of the soil can be achieved by Drip Irrigation

 See also