Showing posts with label dr. hortfreud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dr. hortfreud. Show all posts

Feb 3, 2017

The Man Who Grew Vegetable Marrows

The Man Who Grew Vegetable Marrows

It would make a great Jeopardy game show clue.

"The Man Who Grew Vegetable Marrows".

The answer: "Who is Hercule Poirot?"

We might also accept the answer, "What is the title of Chapter 3 of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie?"

I've been watching "Poirot" on Netflix for several weeks and finally in season 7, episode 1, in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd,  the famous Belgian detective

Oct 26, 2016

Mowing - A Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Mowing - A Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Hello Dr. Hortfreud.

Hello, Carol. How are you and did you want to talk about the iris that is re-blooming that never re-bloomed before?

No, Dr. Hortfreud, I want to talk about mowing.


Yes, again, though I don't think we've talked about it that much.

It's your time, so proceed. What about mowing?

Well, Dr. Hortfreud, I think up my best ideas when I'm mowing and I'm concerned that

Nov 17, 2015

Maladies of Gardeners

Maladies of Gardeners

The great Dr. Hortfreud has been studying gardeners, or at least one particular gardener, for years.  She has observed that this gardener, and presumably many other gardeners, are prone to a number of maladies.

Four of the most common maladies of gardeners as observed by Dr. Hortfreud include:

Plant Lust.  Gardeners are likely to come down with a bad case of plant lust any time they enter

Mar 2, 2015

March 1st - Spring Flowers and Dr. Hortfreud

March 1st - Spring Flowers and Dr. Hortfreud

Ah yes, the blooms of early spring. It's time for them to appear, now that it's March 1st.

In this first picture, the snowdrops are making their appearance, but it is under the cover of snow.

They are like little nodding bells, ringing in the spring, though currently, with the March 1st snowfall, their nodding bells have been nearly silenced, perhaps even crushed.

Only the most well-trained

Aug 19, 2014

Dr Hortfreud: On Mowing in the Rain

Dr Hortfreud: On Mowing in the Rain

Hello, Carol

Hi, Dr. Hortfreud. It's been awhile, hasn't it?

Yes, Carol, but I sense you need a session with me now.

Oh, yes, I do. Always.

Well, it looks like rain, so why don't we meet in the sun room around the house plants.

Oh no, Dr. Hortfreud, I would like to have a mowing session with you. Besides, if you look to the west, it's sunny out.

But if you look to the east, Carol, it's

Feb 21, 2014

Late Winter Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Late Winter Session with Dr. Hortfreud

 Overheard in a garden...

Carol, so good to see you in the garden today.

Well, Dr. Hortfreud, it's good to be in the garden today, even it is just to walk around and look at the bare ground.

It's nice that the snow has melted.

Yes, indeed, Dr. H.  62 degrees Fahrenheit can melt a lot of snow. And look, there's a crocus sprout.

I see that, Carol.  Which reminds me that I wanted to ask you

Aug 9, 2013

The dream of a weed-free garden

The dream of a weed-free garden

"As I walked around my garden, I slowly began to realize that I had finally achieved my goal of a weed-free garden.

I walked along the path I call Ridgewood Avenue, looking at the garden border called Woodland Follies on my right and Autumn Dreams Gardens on my left. I saw no weeds in either border.  Plus, not only was the path free of weeds, but it seemed time-worn, as though it had been