Showing posts with label dairy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dairy. Show all posts

Mar 15, 2017

Dairy Cattle and Monkeys

Dairy Cattle and Monkeys

Today was another great day! We made our way to Piracanjuba Dairy about an hour from our hotel. The site that we visited was a smaller operation with about 480 total head of cattle and they were milking under 200 head twice a day. This site is utilized for training dairy farmers and workers in dairy production and practices. They covered everything from milking practices to management practices

Dec 8, 2016

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

What hunger and nutrition looks like is changing in Asia. The article linked below takes a look at hunger and nutrition trends and issues in Asia. We encourage you to read the linked article and have conversations with others around the globe utilizing the discussion points provided.

Dairy Potential Ally in Asian Nutrition

Discussion Points

What has been the trend in regards to hunger in Asia

Feb 26, 2016

India Milk Production Soars

India Milk Production Soars

Below you will find a link to an article discussing milk and dairy production in India. Production has recently boomed in India and this article takes a look at why this has occurred  along with it's impacts and future outlook. Read the linked article and use the discussion points below to share conversations with others.

India Milk Production

Discussion Points

What have been the trends in

Feb 2, 2015

Grass-Fed Milk

Grass-Fed Milk

Consumers are faced with an ever increasing array of specialty farm products.  These products give consumers choices and give producers a chance to earn a premium for their product.  A Prairie Farmer Article this month is written about Grass-Fed Milk.  Since grass fed beef has found a niche among consumers, I am sure grass-fed milk will too.  The article does not mention intensive grazing, but that would seem to be imperative for maximum production.  I am curious if some of the pungent flavors found in some pastures come through into the milk. 

Oct 20, 2014

Should Consumers be able to Buy Raw Milk?

Should Consumers be able to Buy Raw Milk?

The Sunday Post-Dispatch wrote and article entitled "Raw Milk Debate Heating Up".  Dairy is not my expertise, but it is about agriculture.  The story goes into some of politics of the debate.  Regulators would like to regulate, but producers and consumers say that regulations would make the sale of raw milk by small producers nearly impossible.  When it comes to food, my opinion in general is that people should be able use any food product they want whether 64 ounce cola's or raw milk, or a lot of things in between.  The health benefits of raw milk may outweigh the risk of illness.  People who have an opinion will need to be active with their state representatives to preserve the right to buy raw milk.