Showing posts with label bulbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bulbs. Show all posts

Apr 20, 2017

Bulbs and Books

Bulbs and Books

Dear Gardening Friends,

Gosh no, those aren't my tulips in the picture, but I sure think they are pretty and I want some for my own garden. I saw these tulips and many others on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art this week.  They planted hundreds of thousands of bulbs last fall and a few mix-ins this spring for a big show they call Spring Blooms.

It really is a big show.

I posted

Feb 24, 2017

In the spring, I need to see every flower

In the spring, I need to see every flower

In the earliest spring days, which is really the last winter days, I need to see every flower. Yes, I feel like every flower that blooms needs a personal visit from me.

I need to see them all. I cringe at the thought that one of the many flowers that lies dormant in a bulb in the ground for almost a year since it last appeared should not be properly greeted when it blooms.

I worry that if I

Feb 21, 2017

Crocuses and Snowdrops

Crocuses and Snowdrops

I'm still on the look out for a good chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting, one that is good enough to spend the time, money, and calories on.

But alas, the garden calls with more warm days in February than I ever remember, and I am of the firm belief that one ought to answer any call from one's garden. Therefore, the idea of the cupcake is on hold for now.

My snowdrops are blooming. I

Feb 11, 2017

Dirty Knees and All is Well

Dirty Knees and All is Well

A few days ago, the crocuses were covered with about an inch of snow and winter was decidedly present in the garden.

Today, the snow has mostly melted except in the coldest parts of the garden and the crocuses are coming up faster than I can count them.

Count them?  I did attempt a count last year, early on, and quit at about 300. I know I've planted well more than that–perhaps 3,000 over the

Feb 1, 2017

On the eve of February, some crocuses

On the eve of February, some crocuses

On the eve of February, the first crocus buds poked up from the ground in the back lawn and looked around for signs of Spring.

I call these early buds the scouts. They appear first and presumably, if all is well, they will sound the all clear and then crocuses will begin to pop up throughout the back lawn.

Today, the crocus scouts found it chilly but not unreasonably so.  One can be fooled by

Nov 20, 2016

It was an amazing fall

It was an amazing fall

It was an amazing fall.

One day the high temperature was 73º F and the next day the high temperature was just 43º F.  If ever one was looking for a sign that our amazing fall of 2016 was over, I suppose that 30º drop in high temperatures from one day to the next was it.

What made this fall amazing?

It seemed to go on and on with fairly moderate temperatures. Even now there are still leaves

Jul 5, 2016

Before you forget... I just ordered bulbs

Before you forget... I just ordered bulbs

Consider this a public service announcement, which I am only making because I've ordered my spring flowering, but you plant them in fall, bulbs.  Therefore, there is no risk that the bulbs I want will be out of stock if my public service announcement results in a mad rush to all the bulb sites to order bulbs.

Yes, that is my public service announcement. Now, right in the high time of the