Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

May 23, 2017

Day 2777 - The autobiographies I'm reading right now

I'm a sucker for an autobiography.

Technically speaking one of these isn't actually an autobiography, but I do love a good book that is biographical in nature.  Particularly if the person has been consulted and is at least partly involved in the writing process.

I just love hearing real stories from real people.  Especially from people who are making their dreams come true.  Whether it's to be the best in their field, or to overcome personal challenges, or to embark on a sea change, or to thrive in the face of adversity, or to simply chat about life, the universe and everything, I'm in.

Why? Well I guess if feels as though we're all just sitting around having a cuppa.  Shooting the breeze.  Talking about life.  Reflecting on what was and encouraging each other about what is yet to be.

I have three biographies on my bed side table right now and depending on what mood I'm in, I get to choose which person I feel like hanging out with.

If I'm feeling like climbing a few metaphorical mountains I'll pick up The Girl Who Climbed Everest about the teenager who is officially the youngest Australian to ever make it to the summit.  Learning about her passion for adventure and walking the Kokoda Track before she hit double digits.  Understanding what it takes to train for Everest and the incredible risks involved.  All of it empowers me to keep on climbing.

If I'm feeling like hanging out with that friend who makes you laugh until you snort (while cringing behind your hands at the language) I'll turn to Amy.  I was recently at a coffee shop in Balmain just hanging out alone while the model daughter did her thing with Carla Z and I was laughing so hard I was crying. Just sitting there like a mad woman.  But I knew I wasn't alone.  Amy was with me.

When I need a bit more comfort and the kind of cuppa you can only have with your bestie I'll turn to Lauren. Of course I'm not actually with Lauren - I'm actually with Lorelei Gilmore - but potato, potato (I really should have written that as Pot-eight-oh Pot-art-toe for that to have the impact I was hoping for.)  

I love to trawl the autobiography aisle at the library or bookshop and the family often gift me books for birthdays and Christmas.  Books in recent years include Celine Dion, Kris Jenner, Tori Spelling, INXS, Terri Irwin, Magda Szubanski, Charlotte Dawson, Patsy Kensit and Judy Garland.

Yep, I'm a sucker for an autobiography.

I just love peering through the window into other people's lives. 

Any other stalkers out there?

Apr 20, 2017

Bulbs and Books

Bulbs and Books

Dear Gardening Friends,

Gosh no, those aren't my tulips in the picture, but I sure think they are pretty and I want some for my own garden. I saw these tulips and many others on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art this week.  They planted hundreds of thousands of bulbs last fall and a few mix-ins this spring for a big show they call Spring Blooms.

It really is a big show.

I posted

Apr 3, 2017

A letter about bird feeding

A letter about bird feeding

My Dear Flora,

I was so excited the other day to find a nest in my bluebird box that I thought straight-away about writing to tell you about it.

I was out planting some onion sets in the gardem—a little later than I had planned—and decided to peek inside the bluebird box.  To my surprise and delight I found a nest inside, already. I just put it up a few weeks ago.

You can imagine what I did

Mar 8, 2017

A New Book: A One Act Play

A New Book: A One Act Play

A New Book

A One Act Play


Carol M.


Cast of Characters

Garden Fairies………………………………Assorted Garden Fairies
Granny Gus McGarden..................................The garden fairy who tends the vegetable garden

TIME: Early Spring
SETTING: A garden



(We see some garden fairies huddled around the compost bins in the vegetable garden)


Mar 7, 2017

Signed Copies of Potted and Pruned Now Available

Signed Copies of Potted and Pruned Now Available

"Potted and Pruned"

Though the many characters around here are clamoring to post about my new book, Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life, I decided to wrestle the keyboard away from all of them to let folks know about purchasing signed copies.

I now have some inventory of my own so can provide either softcover ($20) or hardcover ($27) signed books. The price covers postage and sales

Mar 4, 2017

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden Fairies Write a Press Release

Garden fairies here.

We are garden fairies and we are busy because spring is coming early but when we got word of Carol's book that blew in during the big winds from a few days ago, we decided to pause in our spring flower duties and write a press release.

That is why the lovely crocus pictured here isn't open yet.  We had to stop everything and work on the press release.

Have garden fairies

Mar 3, 2017

Potted and Pruned

Potted and Pruned

"Potted and Pruned"

It's here!

Potted and Pruned: Living a Gardening Life is now available for purchase on Amazon.

There's a paperback version and for those who prefer, a hardback  edition.  Soon there will be a Kindle version.

What's in between the covers?

My personal selection of 36 essays and letters from May Dreams Gardens, "potted up and pruned" for the book.  Long-time readers may