Showing posts with label blue planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blue planet. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2016

Earth Day Iris

This Friday is Earth Day 2016—a day allocated for collective appreciation and celebration of this Blue Planet on which we all reside.  
earth day blue flower blue planet iris

It all began in 1970, when 22 million Americans came together to raise awareness about the importance of clean land, air, and water, which eventually led to the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.  Now, 193 countries join in celebrating the planet, with the aim to protect and preserve it to the best of our abilities.

earth day 2016 blue iris
Lisa Waud and the Detroit Flower House

 Symbols used for Earth Day typically involve images of trees, flowers, or leaves depicting growth and a healthy environment.  Last year began the trend of using Iris as the Earth Day Flower, a fitting symbol of a Blue Flower for a Blue Planet. 

Earth Day Blue flowers
Recently, this Blue Flower for a Blue Planet concept was beautifully captured by our friend and renowned floral designer, Wil Gonzalez.  His floral installment for the annual Bouquets to Art exhibition in San Francisco featured our Telstar iris, and his commentary on the piece was just as gorgeous as the floral art itself:
 "Cool, wet and inviting, the tranquil, watery blue, the continually changing textures of these slowly maturing blossoms over the pass of the next week allow this flower arrangement to evolve...A flower arrangement reminds us to enjoy this moment in time. It will never look the same again."

Blue flowers for earth day 2016
Wil Gonzalez's living exhibition
Like this ever-evolving floral arrangement, so grows and changes our Blue Planet (and us along with it).  This is why Sun Valley strives to change and evolve with the Earth, rather than fight against it.  We do this by continually improving and innovating our sustainable farming practices as time goes on.

blue iris earth day 2016

For example, we sustain our blue planet through recycling and reusing our greenhouse drain water, practicing crop rotation, integrated waste and compost management, and steam-sterilization techniques (an environmentally-friendly way to reuse soil).  We have energy-efficient greenhouses, Snap Fans in our hoop houses (see video below), and we, the people, use bicycles to get from place to place, which is friendly for the land and for our bodies.

All of these practices are guaranteed and verified by Bloom Check, a strict certification program for flower farmers in the United States.  It is through these "best practices" that we can achieve a healthy, symbiotic relationship with the planet that gives us (and you!) its gorgeous flowers. We strive to be as refreshing and pure as the most fitting Earth Day symbol, the Telstar Iris.  This Blue Flower for a Blue Planet shows the beauty that clean air, land, and water can achieve.

Earth day blue planet blue flower iris

It's no small thing, Earth Day.  After all, this blue planet is the setting for our entire existence; and truly, the one thing that all of humanity shares, no matter what our beliefs, location, or history.  Let's celebrate it!

Lady Aster earth day

Apr 21, 2015

Blue Flower, Blue Planet : Earth Day 2015

Earth Day was first conceived in 1969, in reaction to a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara that ravaged the California coastline.  At the time, there were minimal protections for our blue planet, and accidents of this kind were common.  Community organizers, along with a senator from Wisconsin--Gaylord Nelson--pushed for an environmental teach-in to be held on April 22, 1970.

First Earth Day 1970
On that day, the influence of the earth and nature had particular significance; millions across the United States participated in the celebration of our blue planet and the collective concern for its conversation and preservation.  Years later, this day was brought to international attention, and now over 190 countries celebrate and recognize the beauty of our shared Earth.

Earth Day 2015 Official flag
Official Earth Day Flag

 Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.  Now, the United States boasts some of the strongest environmental standards in the world--especially here in California.

And here in California, Sun Valley has been doing its part to nourish and give back to the planet.  This is especially important since our products (aka beautiful flowers) come straight from the Earth's rich heart.  To demonstrate our care and respect for the land we use, we seek to utilize sustainable farming practices.  To minimize unnecessary waste, we use an environmentally friendly steam-sterilization technique to recycle our soil, while also employing the practices of crop rotation, integrated waste/compost management, and energy-efficient greenhouses.  We use bicycles to get from hoop house to greenhouse to field to office, which is friendly for the land and for our bodies.

Earth Day sustainable sustainability bicycles

We were the first flower farm in California to be certified by Veriflora, an agricultural sustainability and eco-labeling program which ensures that we meet America's most comprehensive sustainability standard.  In short, we try to live symbiotically with the planet that, in turn, gives us our gorgeous lilies, tulips, and irises.  

Earth Day Iris 2015

And what better way to celebrate the iconic beauty of the Earth than with a flower?  Here at Sun Valley, we are commemorating Earth Day with our Iris.  It is a refreshing and pure symbol of what clean air, land, and water can achieve—a blue flower from, and for, a blue planet.
Earth Day 2015 Blue planet blue flower

This Earth Day, look around, feel the dirt, smell the air—find yourself something of this planet to enjoy.   Bring some earthen beauty home with you and celebrate with our Iris, grown with the earth in mind.

Earth day 2015 iris blue planet blue flower

iris for earth day 2015