Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Apr 3, 2017

A letter about bird feeding

A letter about bird feeding

My Dear Flora,

I was so excited the other day to find a nest in my bluebird box that I thought straight-away about writing to tell you about it.

I was out planting some onion sets in the gardem—a little later than I had planned—and decided to peek inside the bluebird box.  To my surprise and delight I found a nest inside, already. I just put it up a few weeks ago.

You can imagine what I did

Jan 9, 2017

Enga:  Enemy of the Garden

Enga: Enemy of the Garden

The other day, I had a close up encounter with Enga, short for ENemy of the GArden.

Enga a fat squirrel who hangs out around the bird feeders, trying to steal the peanuts I've been putting out for the blue jays.

The blue jays love the peanuts. At times I've counted six or more blue jays hanging around the crabapple tree, waiting for their chance to get a peanut from the peanut wreath.


Dec 1, 2016

They say only the best trees are chosen

They say only the best trees are chosen

The birds flew away when they saw the camera.

They say only the best trees are chosen...

Oh, pardon me. Before I get too far along with this blog post, let me introduce myself.

I am Malus 'Guinzam', but most folks just call me Guinevere®. I'm  a flowering crabapple tree. Having said that I know just what you are thinking. Diseases! Crabapples dropping everywhere!

But that's not me!

I have

Jun 24, 2016

All my thoughts are in the garden

All my thoughts are in the garden

Where are my thoughts these days?

I never have to wonder too much about where my thoughts are because most of the time, I can find them in the garden.

I've been thinking lately about attracting more birds to the garden, not by setting up "fast food" stations like hummingbird feeders, but by planting more plants that provide food for them.

One such plant is a Sundenia® Dipladenias. It's in a