Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts

Feb 15, 2011

Celebrate Your Women!

This afternoon, Lane and I had a little chat about women. No, we didn’t talk about dates for Valentine’s Day or red tulips. We talked about the day intended to celebrate women all over the world for their tremendous social, economic and political achievements: International Women’s Day.

International Women’s Day originated 100 years ago in the US after the suffragettes marched through New York City for women’s rights. Do you know who most wholeheartedly celebrates the annual event now?


Ever since these women fought for the right to vote in New York, women throughout the entire world have increasingly gained recognition as equals among men. This is something to be celebrated!

And it is. In Eastern European countries like Russia, every woman receives flowers on March 8th. Every. Single. Woman. From the youngest malyshka to the oldest babushka, all females receive at least one flower to signify respect towards women in their countries.

Do you know how many women in the US receive flowers on International Women's Day? Let me put it this way: Men, have you ever given a female flowers on this day? Women, have you ever received them? (Great for you, if you answered "yes"!)

It’s time we bring this holiday back into the US full force and honor the women in our lives. Every. Single. Woman.

For more about International Women’s Day, please visit: