Showing posts with label Women's Day 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Day 2015. Show all posts

Feb 24, 2015

2 Woman's Day Marketing Themes

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.  
                                  ~John F. Kennedy
Celebrate Women's Day 2015

Women’s Day is March 8 and is fast approaching. What is your organization doing to benefit from this groundswell movement? Momentum has been building for the last several years and now the holiday is hitting its stride. Here are two themes on which to focus your marketing efforts.

. The act of honoring someone is perhaps a lost art. Women’s Day aims to bring this idea back into vogue by creating a time and place for people to honor those who have touched their lives. Other flower-giving occasions do this, but it is usually directed at a specific person, like your mother. On Women’s Day you are free to honor your teachers, your mentors, your colleagues and even your siblings or children. Both women and men can participate in this idea of recognizing a special person in their life with flowers. This sentiment resonates strongly with consumers since people need to feel connected and people want to feel appreciated, and frankly both of these sentiments are in short supply in our day-to-day lives.

Celebrate Women's Day with flowers

. Who do you respect in your community? When do you get to show that admiration? For me, it is my son’s schoolteacher. I cannot fathom how she handles a room full of four-year olds with such grace and poise. Whether you are male or female, when you stop and think about the women in your life that you respect, the list gets long quickly. Encouraging consumers to show respect with flowers on March 8th creates positive feelings. We have an innate need to recognize the people who make our lives richer. The ironic part is that many of the women we respect the most may not even realize that we hold them in such high esteem. A simple bunch of tulips on Women’s Day can change this paradigm.

This holiday is a low-pressure, easy-to-manage way to honor and respect those individuals in our lives who matter; those women who make our lives better.

Sun Valley is offering Woman's Day specials on Tulips and Bouquets, so check in with your sales rep.

At store level, this is truly a feel-good event. A few stems of springy iris, or some fragrant lily blooms, are all you need. You can even encourage shoppers to buy bunches of flowers and hand out stems over the course of the day. A single tulip can speak volumes.

Women's Day is March 8th, celebrate with flowers

Women’s Day lacks the pretense of other flower holidays and, because it happens in spring, flowers are already on consumers’ minds. Talk to your floral departments and make sure they are aware that Women’s Day is on the horizon and that they are engaging customers leading up to March 8 — it will definitely increase sales.

The much-maligned phrase, “it’s the thought that counts,” actually comes to fruition for Women’s Day. The very act of getting some flowers for the women in your life shows that you both honor and respect the value that they bring to your life.

To learn more, visit Sun Valley's Woman's Day Resource Page.

This article is reprinted in part from the Produce News.
best flower blog?

Jan 6, 2015

Most Read Posts from 2014 (and One Prediction for 2015)

One of the greatest rewards of writing this weekly blog is getting to feel the pulse of the flower industry. Based on the "reads" of our posts I can get sense of what is hot in the Sun Valley community.

Looking back at the 52 posts from 2014, the single most read post was about our stunning Ice Cream Tulips. These are those wild tulips that look almost like a peony, but more colorful and vibrant.

growing ice cream tulips
See you in Spring 2015!
We are pleased to announce we have a lot more Ice Cream Tulips coming for 2015, but you must be patient as we won't start to harvest for a couple months. Cool your jets!

ice cream tulips blooms
Ice Cream Tulips look good enough to eat!
The second most read Flower Talk blog post focused on Woman's Day, titled Woman's Day Homecoming.  Sun Valley has been leading the effort to create awareness about this great floral occasion. The response from our readers, the industry and media; shows that this is a hot button topic that we'll hear a lot more about in 2015. Stay tuned!

Woman's Day 2015 logo graphic
Woman's Day 2015
The third most read post of 2014 surprised me, and like Woman's Day it is another emerging floral event. Lonely Bouquet Day has garnered a lot of interest across the world and the web, as people participate in this flower happening. The premise is that you take a bouquet out to a public place and leave it, with a note attached for someone to find. A stranger finds the bouquet, takes it home and shares on social media, so the person that left the bouquet can see where it ended up.

Lonely Bouquet Day 2015
Our own bouquet department got in the Lonely Bouquet fun for 2014.
Lonely Bouquet Day 2015, is Sunday, June 28th. What a fun way to give out flowers, and we've also been hearing that florists are doing this year-round as a marketing effort. Fun, Fun!

Lastly, spoiler alert... the blog post that is still gaining the most reads is Ornamental Kale!

So you heard it here first, 2015 will be the year of Brassica (aka Cabbage, or Ornamental Kale)

Ornamental Kale is hot for 2015
Now trending! #AmericanGrown Brassica!
We are excited to jump into 2015 at Flower Talk, and continue, learning about flowers and the flower biz.

Happy New Year! ...and please make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a single week.

Aug 20, 2014

Watch Lane Inspire the SAF Convention

Last week, Sun Valley was honored to win the "Marketer of the Year" award from the Society of American Florists. We won for our efforts to promote Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8th.

Please take 6 minutes to watch this rousing speech made by our CEO, Lane DeVries, as he accepted the award, and took the opportunity to recruit 300 of the biggest names in the floral industry to support Women's Day. (...and gave the $5,000 check back to the SAF to continue promoting Women's Day!)

Tina, Alecia, Beth, Marisol, Lane, Laura, Erica, Mary Lou, Wendy and Amy, all members of the Sun Valley team.

For more information on Women's Day read these two Flower Talk posts, which interestingly, are the two single most read posts in Flower Talk's history. 

Women's Day, by John Niblock from the Produce News 

Women's Day Homecoming

Thanks to the SAF for this award, and now is the time to start planning for Women's Day, March 8th 2015.
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