Showing posts with label With a shared love of gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label With a shared love of gardening. Show all posts

Apr 6, 2016

For the 2,500th time...

For the 2,500th time...

These tulips keep coming back!

Dear Readers,

For the 2,500th time, I am posting on my blog to share with you a bit of my garden.

I've been thinking for a few days about what I should write for this particular milestone post.  Should I post as normal and just mention at the end, "Oh, by the way, this is the 2,500th post"?

Or maybe I should write a retrospective post with links back to some

Sep 26, 2015

Dear Readers, Thank you!

Dear Readers, Thank you!

Palm trees in Pasadena

I've just returned from the Garden Writers Association's annual symposium in Pasadena, California, which is about as much fun as a garden writer can have, outside of being covered in one's own garden dirt after a day of gardening.

Just imagine if you were with all kinds of other people from all over who shared your passion for gardening, nature, gardens, flowers, plants

Sep 8, 2015

Dear Andrea, Thank you for your hospitality

Dear Andrea, Thank you for your hospitality

Dear Andrea,

Thank you so much for the wonderful tour of the Elizabeth Lawrence garden and house, maintained by the Wing Haven Foundation.

The garden looked wonderful, and full, and one could just imagine how pleased Elizabeth herself would be with it right now. Though the crinums and camellias weren't in bloom your descriptions helped me imagine what it must be like when they are in bloom,

Sep 1, 2015

Dear Jo Ellen, Do you remember?

Dear Jo Ellen, Do you remember?

Dear Jo Ellen,

I was thinking back this evening to when I attended my first Garden Writers Association symposium back in "the aughts", as in '09, and remembered that is the year I met you in person.

Two years before my first GWA meeting, I met Mary Ann from Boise, Idaho at the first Garden Bloggers' Fling in Austin, Texas. She suggested I join GWA and go to one of the symposiums.  Wait, I

Aug 25, 2015

Dear Cindy, How hot is it today?

Dear Cindy, How hot is it today?

Dear Cindy,

Greetings from the Hoosier State where we've been enjoying some rather mild weather these last few weeks.  And by mild I mean I don't think we got to 80F today.

Even for us, that's unusual in August.  How hot is it where you are, on your Corner of Katy down in Texas?  You mentioned in your last bloom day post you were desperate for rain and then I saw you posted after that about

Aug 19, 2015

Dear Layanee, It's been too long...

Dear Layanee, It's been too long...

Dear Layanee,

I was looking at your blog, Ledge and Gardens, this evening thinking about how it has been too long since you wrote a new post.

Poke, poke.

Well, actually, it hasn't been that long, but before the last post it was several months! I know, I know. You've been busy traveling to England to see gardens with good friends and family.  I'm envious of you, because I know it wasn't your

Aug 13, 2015

Dear Robin, I love that you are blogging again

Dear Robin, I love that you are blogging again

Dear Robin,

Welcome back!  I love that you are blogging again on your Bumblebee blog.   The new design is quite nice, too. Well done, but not over done, which is how I imagine most of your projects turn out.  You are to be admired for that!

How are the little dogs, Sarah & Sophie?  I noticed from your recent post that one of them, not sure which one, was sick through the night and kept you up