Showing posts with label Wheat condition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wheat condition. Show all posts

Oct 22, 2016

Jun 9, 2015

Wheat Condition

The wheat below is just starting to turn.  It has a lot of disease.  I would like it to stay green a week longer.  We saw wheat today near Troy and O'Fallon that is completely turned.  Harvvest might start next week if it stays dry.

Mar 19, 2015

Southern IL Wheat

Southern IL Wheat

I headed south today to look at some new ground I will be sampling later this spring.   Early in the week, wheat was looking pale and yellow.  It is starting to green up and look OK at this point.  Some of the stands have a few small bare patches, but overall condition is good.  It is hard to say excellent because it was planted late for the most part.

Feb 24, 2015

Winter Wheat Damage

Winter Wheat Damage

After or even during a cold winter, there is always a question as to the whether or not to replace the wheat with another crop because of winter kill.  It is really way to early to even consider in Illinois.  You need to look at the wheat after it breaks dormancy to know what is best.  University of Kentucky offers advice on stand and tiller counts.  Keep in mind that if you have crop insurance you will want to consult with the insurance people before you destroy the crop and replant.