Showing posts with label Ways to make your own compost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ways to make your own compost. Show all posts

Mar 1, 2017

How to Make Compost from Kitchen and Garden Waste?

How to make compost from kitchen and organic waste?
Creating compost is a simple and quick process that allows you to create large amount fertilizers in a short span of time.  Composting is a natural recycling process of the kitchen waste which is usually the combination of plants, leaves or any combination of organic material that can be converted into organic manure with the help of micro organisms.
Following items are required to create compost:

Kitchen Waste
Saw Dust
Compost Bin
Garden Waste
Animal Manure
     A Garden Fork

Step 1 - Collect Kitchen Waste

Choose the right food products you are throwing away for making compost.  Peelings from fruit and vegetables, nuts, egg shells and over-ripened fruit are good to make compost and avoid oils, milk products and fatty meats.

Step 2 - Collect Garden Waste

Collect all leaves and clippings from any gardening work you do and add to the compost mix over a period of time for ideal effect.

Step 3 - Other Materials to Include

Add Sawdust and livestock manure to compost pile.

Step 4 - Create Compost

Mix all your compost materials into a compost bin. The bin should be slightly raised from the floor and should have a handle with which you can turn to rotate the bin. Spin the bin twice a day that helps the compost mix together and combine natural benefits to make a very effective Organic Manure. Ensure the bin has a couple of slits down the side to allow moisture to escape as the bin is turned.

Step 5 – Spread

Once your compost has turned into a dark and soil-like mixture, it is ready.  Use garden fork to fertilize and allow the compost layer to seep in and take effect before you fork on another load.
See also: