Showing posts with label To Your Health: Helpful Organic Gardening Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label To Your Health: Helpful Organic Gardening Advice. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2017

To Your Health: Helpful Organic Gardening Advice

To Your Health: Helpful Organic Gardening Advice

Organically grown produce is superior to the produce found in local supermarkets, and is also tasty and healthy for your body. Organic produce is expensive in the stores, so you may want to grow your own, Keep reading to learn how you can grow an organic garden, right in your home.

Be sure that you have earthworms in your soil. Earthworms are vital to good organic gardening, because they aerate the soil. Also, the by-products of earthworm digestion are actually great plant food. Earthworms encourage soil bacteria that provide needed nutrients to your plants while competing with harmful insect pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Sprouting seeds need less warmth than before. Move your plants further away from your heat source as they grow. Remove plastic films on containers to prevent warmth and humidity from penetrating them. To know when it is time for this, keep a careful eye on your seeds.

Store a few plastic bags near your garden to slip on over your dirty gardening shoes. You will be able to go in and out without having to keep taking your shoes on and off.

Plant ornamental, edible plants as part of your regular yard landscaping. Good plants to start with include rosemary, thyme varieties, sages, oregano and basil. These all look great mixed with perennials, and they will supply you with enough that you won't need to purchase them anymore - herbs are expensive at the supermarket.

If you have a compost pile, but have very few leaves to add to it this fall, try incorporating straw or hay into your compost pile. This is a great way to add carbon which is very beneficial to the growth and health of plants. The straw and hay may contain seeds, so it is best to use an organic weed spray on your compost pile to get rid of the unwanted weeds.

By adding a nice layer of bio-degradable material (mulch) around your plants, you can utilize the natural pest-fighting ability within the mulch to stop predators to your plants. By putting a one to two inch layer around your plants, you are also adding a source of nutrients and a source of water.

Choose a site for fruit trees depending on their specific requirements. Most fruit trees require 8 hours of sun per day. Morning sun is important, as it dries dew rapidly, helping to prevent fungus. Avoid planting fruit trees in a low spot in the garden where frost or cold air can collect. Some fruit trees are especially susceptible to late frost damage, and are better planted on a north-facing slope. This is especially true for peach, plum, cherry and apricot trees.

Composting is a great way to fuel your garden. You can add pretty much anything, like grass clippings, shredded paper, coffee grounds, and much more. Basically, you can use anything that was living at one time (but try to avoid animal products). If you buy some worms and keep the compost bin in a warm, sunny place it will turn into perfectly dark and rich soil in no time.

If you have the space, building a compost bin can be a great way to save money and always have compost at the ready. When planning your bin, consider a three-sided bin rather than a four-sided bin. A three-sided bin allows you to easily access the heap for regular turning without reaching over a wall or using a gate.

To insulate the soil and protect against weeds, you should consider different types of mulches. Use things like wood chips, leaves, hay, and lawn clippings. Protecting plants with a mulch helps them in many ways, such as guarding soil against erosion. You can even look into living mulches, which are plants that serve the same purpose as a mulch.

If you are preparing to move your indoor organic garden outdoors, a great tip is to start preparing your plants one week ahead of time. Move them to a shaded area in your home for a few hours on a warm day. Your aim is to gradually increase your plants' exposure to light. Then, leave them outside overnight at the end of the week. This will ensure your plants survival.

Grow basil successfully. Basil is an annual warm-season herb, very susceptible to cold and frost. Sow seed in spring at a depth of about 1/2 inch in full sun. Keep the soil evenly moist. When the basil reaches about 6 inches, pinch out the top to encourage bushy growth. Pick continuously before any flower buds open. Pick leaves in the morning after dew has dried, and don't over wash leaves, as you will lose the aromatic oils.

Encourage earthworms in your soil. Earthworms make for healthy soil by eating the soil and thereby aerating it in the process. They also leave behind their castings, or vermicast, which is a great organic nutrient-rich fertilizer. The vermicast also retains water and nutrients better than soil without worms.

You can find a lot of information on how to keep any unwanted pests away by researching local botanical insecticides. These are frequently more effective than their chemically engineered counterparts. Due to the way they are made, you may have to use more of a botanical insecticide.

While caring for your organic garden involves many big, day-long tasks, it also calls for smaller jobs that need to be performed more frequently. Keep a good handle on the minor needs of your garden so that you can make good use of brief periods of free time. When you have a few minutes to spare, why not use them weeding, pruning or performing other garden maintenance tasks?


Try not to get too rough in the dirt of your organic garden by avoiding any frequent or deep cultivation. This can damage the plants' roots, dry out the surrounding soil, disturb any healthy soil organisms, or even bring weed seeds to the surface where they will germinate and grow into pesky adult weeds.

You don't have to buy inferior produce. Apply what you've learned in this article today, and start growing your own produce.