Showing posts with label Sonata Lilies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonata Lilies. Show all posts

Aug 9, 2016

Aromatherapy and Oriental Lilies

Have you ever noticed your bouquet of Stargazers or White Casablanca lilies smelling more sweetly in the evening as you relax? That's because of a fragrant compound called linalool--most lilies emit linalool, and often more intensely in the evening.  This little fragrant compound is extra-special because it is one big way we can decrease stress and increase feel-good feelings.
Stargazer Lily linalool aromatherapy
The Aromatic Oriental Lily

Our sense of smell can trigger neurological and chemical responses in the body; a single scent can make us feel calm, help us tackle a stressful task, or energize a lethargic day. And this kind of aromatherapy isn't just a placebo effect--there is scientific evidence to back it up and show how the fragrance of flowers can have a positive effect on moods.

Casablanca Lily White Oriental aromatherapy
Oriental Lily

Enter linalool. A 2009 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry shows that the floral-scented compound, linalool, has a positive effect on stress-related changes in the body.  In the study, the inhalation of linalool not only reduced chemical changes to stressed-out immune cells in the bloodstream, it also calmed more than 100 genes which tend to go into action during stressful situations  

Dynamite Oriental Lily
Now, let's talk flowers.  Another study published by the American Society for Horticultural Science showed that lilies, especially the aromatic Oriental Lilies and OT Hybrids, emit large amounts of linalool.  In fact, linalool is one of the lily's major scent components. This isn't so odd, considering that researchers say the inhalation of fragrance from certain flowers is a practice that has been used to reduce stress, fight depression, and induce sleep for centuries. Apparently people have been using flowers to feel better for a long, long time.

It gets better...not only do lilies aromatically soothe, they also come added benefit of being visually pleasing.  And, according to a study conducted by Harvard Medical School, this adds to their overall positive effect on our well-being. The study found that the simple presence of flowers in the home could affect a wide variety of emotions— such as less anxiety and depression, enhanced relaxation and energy, and compassion at work. Lead psychologist Dr. Nancy Etcoff states, "We didn’t know that spending a few days with flowers in the home can affect a wide variety of feelings."

Sonata OT Hybrid Lily

I've always loved the look and smell of Oriental lilies, and even more so now that I've learned about their aromatherapeutic benefits.  Yet another great reason to buy myself flowers--what a beautiful way to calm down and feel better!  Next time you or a friend is feeling stressed out, try a big bouquet of Oriental Lilies--sit down, relax, and smell the flowers. 

Starfighter Lilies

Lady Aster talks Aromatherapy


Sep 15, 2015

What exactly is an OT Hybrid Lily (and what can it offer you)?

Did you know there are over 110 different species of the lily family?  In fact, new varieties and hybrids are constantly under development.  One very special mix, the OT Hybrid (also called an Orienpet), has been making quite the name for itself, and demand for this particular flora keeps climbing higher and higher.  

OT Hybrid Lily Yelloween Sonata
The satin-hued and aptly named Fall OT Hybrid, Yelloween

So what exactly is an OT Hybrid Lily and what can it offer you?
     An OT Hybrid is a breed created by crossing Oriental and Trumpet lily types.  These hybrids were originally developed to bring a more diverse color palette to traditional Oriental lilies. Before OT Hybrids, all Oriental lilies were white or pink, but these new OTs capture the wonderfully warm reds, oranges, and yellows of Trumpet lilies, with the shape, durability, and longevity of an Oriental.  These flowers maintain a delicate citrus-green scent, which is pleasantly light and not as powerful like some of their more aromatic sisters.

OT Hybrid Sonata Lily Eudoxia
Creamy, apricot-hued Eudoxia

The "Sonata" Sun Valley Brand
     Sun Valley brands its OT Hybrids as "Sonata Lilies" and we've been growing these pretty things for over a decade.  We've spent the last 13 years perfecting our lighting, temperature control, as well as our planting density in order to get the best bud count possible.  By adjusting how many bulbs we plant per square foot of soil, we can grow our Sonataswith a healthy balance of bud size and bud count. This has given us amazing results, with noteworthy bloom sizes.  Their size goes hand in hand with thick petals, saturated colors, and subsequent long vase life.
OT Hybrid African Lady Sonata Lily
Lane's Favorite Sonata, and a recent addition, African Lady

 Growing Great Lilies
     In order to grow quality Sonata lilies, we ensure the plants get sufficient heat and light throughout the entire growing cycle.  Sonatas require at least 16 hours of light a day!  This kind of light is easy to come by during the summertime, but how do we maintain their needs through the winter and falls seasons?  Well, as the days get shorter, our greenhouse lighting system comes into play.  These timed lights adjust to the sunrise and sunset, allowing for maximum light without wasting electricity by "doubling up."  Plenty of sunshine is what helps to form Sonatas' thick, sturdy stems--which is especially crucial since the flower blooms are so large.
   The steady use of lighting helps us keep to our year-round, 16-week growing cycle.  Every farmer's goal is consistency.  The more consistent and on-point our growing practices are, the more consistent our quality can continue to be.

Sonata OT Hybrid Lilies growing in greenhouse

Our Northwestern Climate does its part as well.  With an average yearly temperature between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit, our cool (but not cold) evenings are essential for saturated colors in the petals.  The coastal cloud cover helps to diffuse the sun, providing an even light level, which these lilies love.
Sprouting OT Hybrid Lilies Growing

The demand for the colorful array of our Sonata lilies is large, and getting larger, so to meet the growing demand we have increased our Sonata program by 40% this year.  And while we do grow them year-round, we're picking up the pace through November to provide you with some beautiful Sonatas to color your fall bouquets.  

Tollo Cream Yellow OT Hybrid Sonata Lily
Creamy Colored Tollo

Two of the original Sonatas were Yelloweenand Shocking--these two have proven to be tried-and-true varieties and we STILL offer these powerhouses of color, one decade later.  Not only that, there are an array of varieties which circle back to the traditional Oriental palate, with pink and purple tones such as Table Dance, Timezone, and Candy Club

Shocking Pink Yellow OT Hybrid Sonata Lily

Timezone Pink OT Hybrid Sonata Lily

Candy Club Pink White OT Hybrid Sonata Lily
Candy Club

If haven’t yet treated yourself to some of our OT Hybrids yet, now is perfect time to start....go on, let the fall in with Sonatas!

Fall Hypericum OT Hybrid Cotinus Sonata Lily
Fall Season Sonata Consumer Bunches, L-R: Yelloween, Zambesi, and Sensi.

Lady Aster