Showing posts with label Seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seeds. Show all posts

Jan 16, 2017

How I order seeds for my garden

How I order seeds for my garden

Vegetables to enjoy in season

I try to order most of my vegetable garden seeds in the middle of January.

I've been ordering seeds for one garden or another since I was a teenager and took over ordering seeds for my dad. Back then, I spent hours studying the seeds catalogs, reading all the descriptions and making suggestions on the seeds we should order.  My dad, as I recall, usually agreed

Mar 22, 2016

Tales of Traveling Plants

Tales of Traveling Plants

Traveling plant

"Hey, over here. Look at me. A traveling plant. I made it from way over there by the tree to the edge of the flower border, by the front walk.

I know. I'm impressive, aren't I? A regular vagabond. A pilgrim. A real adventurer I am. After all, I've traveled nearly six or seven feet from the other plants of my ilk.

Want to know how I, a plant with roots, managed to get so

Feb 25, 2016

In the old seed box I found...

In the old seed box I found...

On the top of a bookshelf in my den, I keep an old cardboard shipping box with the seeds my Dad ordered back in 1987 for a garden he wouldn't end up planting in its entirety.

The seed packets, some still unopened, make a soft rattling sound as I look them over to remind myself of what he liked to grow.

Some of the packets are still unopened. Others he opened and planted early that spring.

Jan 9, 2016

I love seed catalogs

I love seed catalogs

I love seed catalogs.

I love how they all work the same way.

Vegetables are usually presented first and arranged in alphabetical order.  Arugula, then beets, then cabbage, all the way to squash, tomatoes, and watermelon.  Then come the flower seeds. Ageratums, marigolds and always at the end, the zinnias.  I know the order of the alphabet, I know the order the seeds will be listed.

I can

Oct 22, 2015

Doomsday Vault Opened

Doomsday Vault Opened

Recently scientists have had to open the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (known as the "Doomsday Seed Vault") to retrieve seeds to continue experiments and recoup lost seeds and research. The link below provides great information on the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. It includes videos, text, and further links to the website for Svalbard. The video (2:40) at the top of the page does a great job of

Sep 5, 2014

Glass Gem Corn

Glass Gem Corn

... And every evening after she had finished her chores,

 if she had been good all day,

meaning no whining or fussing,

no being mean or unkind to others,

no temper tantrums.

If she ate all her vegetables without complaining,

did enough steps to keep her FitBit happy,

and didn't forget to change out of her regular clothes into her gardening clothes before heading out to the garden...

Feb 21, 2014

Late Winter Session with Dr. Hortfreud

Late Winter Session with Dr. Hortfreud

 Overheard in a garden...

Carol, so good to see you in the garden today.

Well, Dr. Hortfreud, it's good to be in the garden today, even it is just to walk around and look at the bare ground.

It's nice that the snow has melted.

Yes, indeed, Dr. H.  62 degrees Fahrenheit can melt a lot of snow. And look, there's a crocus sprout.

I see that, Carol.  Which reminds me that I wanted to ask you