Showing posts with label Secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secrets. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2013

Secrets to Achieving Happiness in Your Garden:  The Eighteenth Secret

Secrets to Achieving Happiness in Your Garden: The Eighteenth Secret

I went out to the garden yesterday evening, just before sunset, to cut a few flowers to bring inside.

My few flowers included coreopsis, foxglove, a few last dianthus from its first flush of bloom, an open flowered Clematis, its name long forgotten, plus Clematis 'Pagoda', 'Rooguchi' and C. integifolia 'Alba', speedwell, columbine and a hardy orchid.

I don't think often enough about cutting

May 25, 2013

Secrets to Happiness with Peonies

Secrets to Happiness with Peonies

Peonies anyone?

You may have your fancy peonies, your new varieties, even your tree peonies.  I am sure they are very nice and give you joy when they flower.

But for me, I only need the peonies that I got from my Dad's stand of peonies.  They are like family.  Good family, who don't need a lot of attention and return faithfully year after year and when they are here, they are no trouble at