Showing posts with label Respect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Respect. Show all posts

Feb 23, 2016

Women's Day Celebration

Women's Day is not a "new" holiday by any means, but it sure does feel like it.  The earliest Women’s Day observance was held on February 28, 1909, in New York, and the earliest I ever heard of Women's Day was March 8th, two years ago.  As a wee lass, I never saw Women's Day on the calendar, but I'm starting to now.  Why is that? I assume it's because women have made notable advancements (especially in the last two decades) that demand recognition, honor, respect, and celebration.
Women's Day 2016

When the first Women's Day took place in 1909, women had very few, if any, rights.  They couldn't vote, own property, choose a career, sue or be sued.  At this time they weren't even considered persons under the 14th Constitutional Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law.

But we've come a long way since 1909.  In the US, we exercise those hard-won rights with vigor.  For example, a record number of women (104) will be serving in the US Congress this year (yes, that is only 19% of Congress, but that is twice the amount from 20 years ago).  There is even a serious female contender--nay, front runner--in the presidential bid.  Also, twenty years ago there were zero female CEOs on the Fortune 500 list.  Now, women occupy 5% of those positions.  Change may have started slowly, but it is catching fire.

womens day quotes

The point? Honor a woman this day.  Whatever her position--CEO, administrative assistant, small business owner, full-time mother, manager, laborer, engineer, artist, customer service extraordinaire--honor her.  Her current social, cultural, and professional position was built upon centuries of revolutionary history, the ripples of which are still in effect.

womens day march 8 2016

We say, start with flowers. Flowers are pretty, but they are not weak.  They, too, have used all their resources--their genetics, their will, their immediate environment, the sun, dirt, and rain--to fight against the elements and rise up, beautiful, fragrant and strong. Men, honor the women in your life with vibrant, living blooms.  Women, celebrate the fellow females in your life with flowers--your mother, sister, boss, co-worker--any woman that has inspired or encouraged you in that special way that only women can.   Go further and buy flowers for yourself--love and respect yourself, and recognize from where you have come.
womens day march 8th

Women's Day is a day for reflection and celebration.  Reflection on how far we have come, and a celebration of the hope we have for the future. Enjoy it!

lady aster womens day

Feb 18, 2014

Women's Day Homecoming

"Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow in my steps, and preside over the White House as the president's spouse. I wish him well!"
                                                                                                           -Barbara Bush

March 8th, Women's Day 2014

Women's Day 2014, celebrated on March 8th, is fast approaching. What does this mean for you?

Women's Day's is finally coming back home to America, you may not realize this but Women's Day internationally is nearly as big as Valentine's Day. What? must be joking?

It's no joke, worldwide an enormous amount of flowers are given and received for Women's Day. What color? What varieties? The great part about Women's Day is that the flower color or variety isn't as important as the quality and the size of the blooms or bouquet.
Check out our Women's Day themed bouquets.

How does one celebrate Women's Day? First, it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman to join in the party. The theme of the day is to "Love, Honor and Respect" women, so it is perfectly acceptable for a man to give flowers to the women in his life, as well as, women to share flowers with all their friends, family, co-workers and colleagues.

This holiday doesn't have the pretense of Valentine's Day or even Mother's Day. The flowers you give can be much more creative, local and unique as well. No need for long stem blood red roses. How about tulips? Or iris? Or how about a big bunch of gerberas?

One of the most popular tulip varieties for this holiday in Europe is Strong Gold which, true to it's name, is a very big, vibrant yellow tulip.

Women's Day sign

Women's Day was started in America in 1909, and was called "National Women's Day". The international community helped spread this day across the globe, and it was soon recognized as International Women's Day.

Now over a 100 years later, we seeing a resurgence of this historic day in the United States where it was first celebrated. Ironically, it is coming at a time when the American Grown flower movement has never been stronger. What a great opportunity to celebrate a traditional American event, with flowers grown right on our own soil.

Disclaimer: If you are buried under snow, dig a tunnel to the store and get some California Grown blooms that with dazzle you spouse, your daughters, your teachers, your co-workers...and don't forget your mom!
Our "Honor and Respect Her" Bouquet.
Woman's Day has its roots in inspiring change and building on the advances woman have made toward equal rights and equal opportunities in our society. By giving flowers you recognize that you honor and respect all women, and are conscious of the progress that has been made, and the progress that still needs to happen.

Flowers are amazing in their ability to serve as signposts for the intangible. For centuries civilizations have used them as markers. Births, deaths, victories, defeats, love gained...and love lost. Flowers are the sanctity of hope and the currency of change.

Women's Day includes elements of both hope and change. By expressing ourselves with flowers on Women's Day, men and women alike share in the movement to Love, Honor and Respect all women.