Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts

Dec 8, 2016

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

Dairy and Asian Nutrition

What hunger and nutrition looks like is changing in Asia. The article linked below takes a look at hunger and nutrition trends and issues in Asia. We encourage you to read the linked article and have conversations with others around the globe utilizing the discussion points provided.

Dairy Potential Ally in Asian Nutrition

Discussion Points

What has been the trend in regards to hunger in Asia

Sep 2, 2016

African Agricultural Development

African Agricultural Development

Recently the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations held a side event at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development that highlighted agriculture development as a key tool in providing peace and resolve to conflicted areas in Africa. Read the linked article summarizing this event below and utilize the discussion points provided to spark conversations around the

Nov 12, 2015

Global Food Security: Why Science Matters

Global Food Security: Why Science Matters

The middle of October the Global Agriculture Learning Center at Hawkeye Community College hosted David Lambert as he presented his lecture "A Closer Look at Global Food Security: Why Science Matters" as part of the World Food Prize Lecture Series. David hit on many of hot topics relating to global food security ranging from climate change to child nutrition. Linked below is David's lecture. It is

Oct 14, 2015

World Food Prize Comes to Hawkeye

World Food Prize Comes to Hawkeye

Today we were honored to have David Lambert from Washington D.C. on campus to share his lecture "A Closer Look at Global Food Security: Why Science Matters" as part of the World Food Prize Lecture Series. David is is an internationally recognized advocate for global food security. A former senior vice president of the New York Stock Exchange, he was President Clinton’s appointee as Foreign

Feb 9, 2015

What Do we do about Dr. Oz

What Do we do about Dr. Oz

In November issue of Prairie Farmer Holly Spangler asks what we can do about Dr. Oz.  When you look at his education and qualifications, you would not think he would be spreading all the lies, half truths, and innuendo that he spouts.  Why he is on television is simple.  Ratings.  Why people believe him is a whole different story.  I wish I could say, but the only thing I can come up with is that he is on a mainstream television network.

People in the agriculture media, try to counter Dr. Oz's misinformation with blogs and news stories, but how many people read and or understand we are saying.  How do we get out the word in a way that the public will accept and understand.  The "and God made a Farmer"  Superbowl ad may have been the single most effective positive piece on agriculture ever.  We need more of that.  John Deere, Case IH, and other Ag suppliers need to get together and buy Supper Bowl ads every year.  It is the only way we can get our message out to the general public.  We need to promote modern agriculture in a positive way. I recently saw a Quickbooks Ad featuring a veternarian.  It is a wonderful depiction of someone in agriculture as a smart person who who loves her work. 

In addition, maybe it is time to take on Dr. Oz directly.  New Yorker Magazine and Popular Science have taken him on.  Read the Wikipedia article above.  He has been under fire since 2009.  The study published in the British Medical Journal says that 51% of his advice has no scientific backing.  Is his medical license vulnerable?  Maybe some of our farm organizations should go to the AMA.  What about a 60 Minutes expose'?  A whole segment of 60 Minutes devoted to food and nutrition seems reasonable.

We must keep trying to counter people like Dr. Oz.  There are a bunch of them out there.