Showing posts with label NSW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSW. Show all posts

May 9, 2017

Day 2763 - Jay Laga'aia and the It Makes You Think initiative #startstrong

Every child deserves the chance to #startstrong

I'm really passionate about helping children to feel confident and good about themselves from a young age.  My books and my volunteer work are testament to my passion in this regard.

Which means I am often drawn to others with a similar passion.  Anh Do's interview with Anthony the blue Wiggle is by far my favourite "Brush With Fame" episode. Understanding the WHY behind how the Wiggles got started really resonated with me.

Watching Playschool and seeing the commitment the hosts make to early childhood education also speaks to me.  Especially Jay Laga'aia who has taken his passion for teaching young children beyond Playschool to include his own early childhood programs, writing books, teaming with scholastic to bring music to reading and more recently partnering with the NSW State Government to create the "It Makes You Think" component of the #StartStrong initiative.

No doubt you'll recognise Jay.  He has appeared in movies (Star Wars), Aussie TV shows (Water Rats) and as the host of Playschool.  He is also a singer, early childhood educator and the father of eight.  As one of Australian television's most recognisable faces he is championing the NSW Government’s mission to inspire every family to enroll their children in an early education program.

The interactive platform is designed to help parents understand their child’s early development by demonstrating how the brain develops before the age of five.  The #StartStrong virtual experience allows users to follow the journey of a child’s brain at work. Like a real brain, each synapse on the platform is unique and there are 10 node hotspots, each with a unique animation that can be tapped for more information and eye opening insights. 

I was invited to chat to Jay about the "It Makes You Think" component and about his views on early childhood education in general.  Of course I jumped at the opportunity and rather than conduct the interview by phone I made the trip to Sydney to personally shake this man's hand.

Jay Laga'aia and the "It Makes You Think" initiative #StartStrong

"It Makes You Think" is a great initiative by the NSW State Government.  Tell me how you got to become spokesperson for the campaign?

I am passionate about early education so was excited to be part of this program.  My time on Playschool over the last 17 years and the creation of Jay's Jungle mean I have a good background. 

Over the years I have travelled around Australia exploring early education and I realised that we all want the same things for our kids.  We all want them to grow up to be successful.  

Preschool is great because that's the most honest age which creates a great base in which to start. Preschool allows children to learn through art, dance and music so that they're learning without even knowing they are learning. 

Preschool helps build solid foundations in which to create great adults. It also helps us to  become better parents.  

As a parent of a large family, what types of things did you and your wife do to get your children educated early?

What we tried to do was give our children a head start.  Preparing them for "big school" by giving them social skills and some knowledge of games and songs via early education. 

We started planning early for our kids schooling simply through the necessity of needing to enroll.  But the big message for parents is that you know your child better than anyone else does, so you'll know whether or not they are ready for pre-school.  If they are not yet ready then you can still work with them through play and music at home.  

We don't know how our children are going to cope in a situation but preschool allows us to explore the possibilities in a safe and nurturing environment. 

That's what "It Makes You Think" is all about.  About understanding how the brain works and when the best time to start educating is. 

What role do you think early education plays in helping our kids believe in themselves?

There's always that positive influence. It's not just about the end result with any given activity, but about the fact that our children are trying different things. Confidence comes from that journey.  I'm big on measuring progress in inches.  With children their confidence grows from celebrating the little things.  It's about highlighting their successes.  

Something I have noticed having done this for a very long time is that the benefits for parents are just as important as the benefits for the child.  I moved my family to Australia to do Water Rats. Preschool helped my wife to meet other people and believe in the possibilities. The life long friendships that are built for the parents, especially those new to the country or new to the area. are worth their weight in gold.  

What advice would you give parents who are keen to work with teachers in educating their children? How can teachers and parents work together for the benefit of the child?

An educator is coming from a place of expertise and is able to communicate from that base.  If parents go into discussions with an open mind then the parent and teacher can find the areas of commonality and start from there.  As a parent it's important to try and remove the emotion and work out the goal prior to any discussions.  

The great thing about preschool is you can also volunteer to be a parent helper so that you can not only help out in the classroom but observe.  You get to see the different interactions, different personalities etc which gives you a better understanding of how the classroom environment works which helps you to better understand it from the educator's point of view. 

Do you have any tips for parents who may have children who are anxious about preschool?

Take them out on the weekend, stand outside the preschool, point out the paintings on the windows, show them the doors, see the playground and get them used to seeing where they will be going.  Get them excited about going there.

You can also take them to the preschool in advance when it's in full swing.  It might be the year before, just to observe. You can then talk to them afterwards about what they saw and the activities the children were doing.

You can also chat to the preschool beforehand and ask what type of craft they do (for example) and you can start to do similar things at home which gives them little snippets of what's going to happen when they get there so that it's not information overload when they turn up for their first day.

Surround them with positive adults who say things like "We're so excited that you're going to preschool", or "Can you take a photo at preschool so we can see how fun it is".

If you lay those synaptic memory foundations the children start to take ownership.

There are quite a few children with learning challenges which don't get diagnosed until well into their primary school years.  Do you think that "It Makes You Think" may help people identify issues earlier?

You know your child better than anyone.  If you take the emotional aspect out of that and recognise that something is wrong you can then discuss that with a preschool teacher.   A mother's intuition is an amazing thing.

The "It Makes You Think" campaign is all about recognising these steps. You can mention your concerns to an early educator and because they spend time with your child in the day they can better assess and recommend next steps.

Don't listen to professionals and nod if you don't actually understand.  It's not a reflection on your IQ. If you don't know, you don't know ... until you know.  Ask the questions until you get it which will not only help you understand and better communicate it forward, but will also teach your children that it's OK to ask questions if you don't actually understand the answer.

Any last words about the campaign?  

The "It Makes You Think" campaign is about empowering parents. It's about taking ownership of the situation and most importantly it's about the child.  It's about building them up so they are ready to explode into school. If we can get our children to feel strong and confident and eager to start big school, can you imagine what they'll be like when they leave school?

Any last words for parents?

Kids don't want much from their parents other than their time.  Real focussed attention.  One-on-one time and an interest in who they are and what they are doing.  Kick a football with them. Sit on the floor and do craft (even if you're crap at craft ... watch Playschool and we'll show you). Read to them. Ask them about their day. Be interested and show them that you value them by giving them your time.

Have you heard of the #StartStrong "It Makes You Think" initiative? 

Did/do your children go to preschool?

What do you think are some of the benefits of early education?

For more information about #StartStrong you can head to the Start Strong interactive website at  

For more from Jay you can check out the TV Show Jay's Jungle, buy some of his books and CD's  and you can also find out about his favourite children's books via my interview with him for Cheer Kids Magazine

Some interesting facts:

The Child Brain Explained – other findings from the NSW Department of Education’s research:

  • 5 year old children use 60% of their energy to build their brain
  • Children who have participated in early childhood education are more likely to have an IQ higher than 90 at the age of 5
  • A child’s language skills and vocabulary often quadruple between ages two and four
  • The emotional centre of the brain benefits greatly from preschool. This includes social bonding, processing of emotions, empathising with others and understanding how to deal with stress
  • At three, a child has around 3000 trillion brain connections or synapses which in later development are selectively prune. When adolescence is reached, brain synapses will number around 500 trillion, and this number remains relatively stable into adulthood.
  • Before the age of 5, the brain forms as many as 700 neural connections per second.

May 1, 2017

Day 2755 - The Titanic Exhibition, Sydney

Fancy a trip on the Titanic?

Getting a feel for the first class corridors

Whether you're a fan of the movie or simply a history buff, Titanic the Exhibition is a great way for you to get a feel for this doomed luxury liner.

The good news about this exhibition is you get to absorb the Titanic and walk out unscathed.

Last week the model daughter and I were in Sydney for castings so we took the opportunity to check out the Titanic Exhibition at the Entertainment Quarter at Moore Park.

Housed in Byron Kennedy Hall near Fox Studios and the SCG, the Titanic Exhibition combines memorabilia from the movie with historical facts and over 300 artifacts dating over 100 years.

The exhibition shows recreations of the Titanic's luxurious interiors including the Grand Staircase seen in the movie as well as a First Class Cabin.

Our Titanic adventure began with our boarding passes which contained the personal information of an actual passenger, so that as we walked through the exhibit we were able to do so through the eyes of our alter ego.

The exhibition starts with the construction of the Titanic and takes us through the Titanic's short yet grand voyage.  From first class, to second class, down to third class we wander through the corridors taking in the history, the sights and the sounds, right up to the iceberg encounter where we actually get to touch ice under the stars at the end.

Of great excitement was finding the famous "Heart of the Ocean" necklace from the 1997 blockbuster movie.  Along with the ability to absorb some sneaky Leonardo DNA from the costumes. Shhh, no touching allowed. 

Our Titanic experience finished in the Memorial Gallery where we learned the fate of our passenger which in our case was good news.  As first class passengers the model daughter and I both survived.  Phew!

If you're interested in the Titanic at all this exhibition is a must-see.

The exhibition opened on 8 April and hasn't got an end date yet, although they are suggesting it is for "a limited time".

It runs from 10am through to 6pm (slightly later on school holidays and public holidays).

You have to buy your tickets by session as they only let a set number of people into the exhibit at a time.  I suggest you buy your tickets on line to ensure you don't miss out and turn up 20 minutes before your session is due to start to ensure you are at the front of the queue.

For more information about Titanic the Exhibition head to

Are you interested in the Titanic?

Is it the movie or the history that would attract you the most?

What was the last exhibition you've been to? 

Apr 13, 2017

Day 2737 - The Lovin Life Linky - Beach Vibes Edition

Today's post is brought to you from the NSW South Coast

Tomakin Beach at low tide - south end
We are lucky enough to have a little beach house at Surf Beach which is in the Bateman's Bay region of NSW.

First we had it rented out full time to a lovely family who lived in it for about 6 years or so.   Then we decided to try just listing it as holiday rental so that we could use it ourselves from time to time.

As a result we now have a coastal getaway which is available to us whenever it's not  being rented out to someone else.

What I love about our little getaway is that it's positioned so that we can either walk to our local beach or choose to drive to any of the many beaches dotted along the coast.

Which is why I can post lovely photos like these:

McKenzie's Beach

Malua Bay


Tomakin north end

Surf Beach
So that's what I'm lovin' about life this week. Being able to make use of the gaps in our booking sheet for some autumn school holiday beach vibes.

Do you have a regular holiday spot you like to visit?

Anyone else getting some beach vibes this week?

What are you lovin' about life?

If you feel like a very affordable getaway to the NSW South Coast you can rent our place either through Stayz or from us directly via our Facebook page (it's cheaper that way).  

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The Lovin' Life Linky is brought to you by Team Lovin' Life: Deep Fried Fruit, Seize the Day Project, Write of the MiddleAnd Anyways50 Shades of Age and Lifestyle Fifty #teamlovinlife